[Eeglablist] FW: Variable name to use is still invalid

Deza-Lougovski, Yacila yacila.deza-lougovski at unibw.de
Fri Apr 7 03:34:24 PDT 2023

Dear EEGLAB mailing list,

I am a new user of EEGLAB and EEG in general.

We have an issue while importing a BIDS dataset with teaching purposes. After importing the file, There is a pop-up window from EEGLAB telling us "the variable name to use is still invalid, check chars to remove"
The windows points at the cleanvarname function, line 41. When  I  check the function, I see that the variable name shouldn't contain characters such as "-" (which is everywhere in BIDS dataset).
Is this the problem? How can I solve it?

Thanks for your attention,

Dr. Yacila I. Deza-Lougovski
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/post-doctoral researcher
Biologische Psychologie/Biological Psychology
Institut für Psychologie
Universität der Bundeswehr München

tel     +49 89 6004 4255/4494
mob  +49 1735190322
mail   yacila.deza-lougovski at unibw.de<mailto:yacila.deza-lougovski at unibw.de>

Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 36/0158
85577 Neubiberg

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