[Eeglablist] Is average reference not recommended on 10-20 system?

장진원 jinwon06292 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 08:17:03 PDT 2023

Dear all,

One of my reviewers has suggested that because average reference relies on
the assumption that the electrode coverage represents a sphere, it is not
good to average-reference with electrodes less than 64. I have used the
average-referencing as recommended on
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://eeglab.org/tutorials/05_Preprocess/rereferencing.html__;!!Mih3wA!D_yQ2dwBfLAhlMiue98MMVMBa2NNnbOxZRm_SDLtYScegpGg5wR7Ly9SmCRGov3uc7pP5TS6NKxNf9Zs2cdtn560dQ$ , so I wonder
what could be the alternative.

Best Regards,
Jinwon Chang

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