[Eeglablist] creating a study - problem

ivano triggiani ivanotriggiani at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 12:24:48 PDT 2023


I am creating a study using a script I always used and worked perfectly in
the past (I think last time was version 2021.1).
 After I defined my datastudy, my subjects and conditions I do this:

[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET ALLCOM] = eeglab; % open eeglab
% Set memory options:
pop_editoptions('option_storedisk', 1, 'option_savematlab', 1,...
'option_computeica', 0, 'option_rememberfolder', 1);
% saves a file 'eeg_options.m' to your current working directory
%% Initialize STUDY:
for nx = 1:length(datastudy)
if exist('gdcomps')
[STUDY ALLEEG] = std_editset(STUDY,ALLEEG,'commands',{'index',nx,'load'
,datastudy{nx},'subject', subs{nx},'condition',cond{nx},'comps',
[STUDY ALLEEG] = std_editset(STUDY,ALLEEG,'commands',{'index',nx, 'load',
datastudy{nx},'subject', subs{nx},'condition',cond{nx},'dipselect',.15});
And I got this error:

eeglab: options file is ~/eeg_options.m
Retrieving plugin versions from server...
Retrieving download statistics...
EEGLAB: adding "Fieldtrip-lite" v20230819 to the path
EEGLAB: adding "ICLabel" v1.4 (see >> help eegplugin_iclabel)
EEGLAB: adding "bva-io" v1.71 (see >> help eegplugin_bva_io) - new version
1.72 available
EEGLAB: adding "clean_rawdata" v2.8 (see >> help eegplugin_clean_rawdata)
EEGLAB: adding "dipfit" v5.0 (see >> help eegplugin_dipfit) - new version
5.2 available
EEGLAB: adding "firfilt" v2.7.1 (see >> help eegplugin_firfilt)
You are using the latest version of EEGLAB.
Using option file in directory ~
pop_editoptions: option_savematlab is obsolete, use option_savetwofiles
pop_editoptions: Options were not modified
pop_loadset(): loading file /Volumes/****Inc_S1.set ...
Warning: .fdt file not found, checking if .set contains data
Warning: .fdt file not found, but data found in .set EEGLAB file
Rebuilding trial information structure for STUDY
eeg_uniformepochinfo: found empty values for field 'bvtime' for 97 epochs
                      filling with values of other events in the same epochs
                      note: epochs not uniform (should be multiple of 47
eeg_uniformepochinfo: found empty values for field 'bvtime' for 97 epochs
                      filling with values of other events in the same epochs
                      note: epochs not uniform (should be multiple of 47
No dipole information found in '***inc_S1' dataset, using all components
pop_loadset(): loading file /Volumes/***inc_S1.set ...
Warning: .fdt file not found, checking if .set contains data
Warning: .fdt file not found, but data found in .set EEGLAB file
Unrecognized function or variable 'realindex'.

Error in std_editset (line 292)
            if isfield(ALLEEG(realindex), 'task')

Error in Study_creator_IncS1vsS2_mac_new (line 72)
[STUDY ALLEEG] = std_editset(STUDY,ALLEEG,'commands',{'index',nx, 'load',
datastudy{nx},'subject', subs{nx},'condition',cond{nx},'dipselect',.15});

First of all, I created it manually, and it worked perfectly. Second, the
warnings are false, since the .fdt files are there.
Any ideas?



*Antonio Ivano Triggiani*

Research Scientist [C]

Neurophysiology of Epilepsy Unit,

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

National Institutes of Health

10 Center Drive, Building 10, Room 7D42

Bethesda, MD 20892-1428

Phone: (301) 402-2983

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