[Eeglablist] Unable to add old-reference back into data

Pranav Mahajan pranav.mahajan at linacre.ox.ac.uk
Tue Aug 22 03:44:36 PDT 2023

Hello all,

I’ve been trying to follow: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://eeglab.org/tutorials/05_Preprocess/rereferencing.html__;!!Mih3wA!CHXhkB5o8SYe3RZrB-vXMkLsMgyjjKlAocEcQ1kUZGs3QbJuw5McP3KVQXtquW_q8daDUOTGH2TY6L7a0yU-3fUNZZTMgvJgIJLTVSM$  and my data was collected with FCz as the reference and it’s data is not in the dataset. I wish to re-reference with average reference and then add the FCz data from it back but I’ve been unable to do so. I first computed average reference, then appended FCz as the last electrode in channel location menu and set it as reference for all electrodes. Then I go back to re-referencing menu and when I click on the three dots to add current reference channel back to the data the popup says “There are no Reference channel defined, add it using channel location editor”. However the dataset description in eeglab main menu does show FCz as the reference.

I tried to follow the tutorial on TEST.CNT with Cz as reference and I run into the same issue. I’m using Aug 2023 version of EEGlab.

If anyone could help me realize if I’m doing something wrong, or if could help add the old reference back it would be of great help!

Thank you
Pranav Mahajan

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