[Eeglablist] EGI EEG systems for sale (10x128 caps, 3x256 caps, amps ...)

Tine Kolenik tine.kolenik at login5.org
Mon Oct 2 07:40:08 PDT 2023

 Dear all,

A former EEG lab AST from Slovenia is selling its EGI EEG systems.

The systems have been professionally evaluated for possible technical
issues and a full report on them can be produced (some caps have some dead

There are two full GES 400 systems
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.egi.com/research-division/eeg-systems/geodesic-eeg-systems__;!!Mih3wA!FnSIYtb7JWl6HVC0iHk1qsXWyQZIj7jMrGdrUlfS2OzObyFj2rLK8ZXXiRGNPoTxfZqyiJMzfsF9WZetpSmLGKeRGWosZw$ >
available (together with GES power supplies and Black Box fiber optic
network boxes), together (and compatible) with 10x128-channel caps and
3x256-channel caps.

We can offer a very good price on the systems. If there is any interest,
please write to me at tine.kolenik at login5.org. I would also appreciate
sharing any contact that would possibly be interested in this equipment.

Thank you,
Tine Kolenik

Tine Kolenik

*Human Research & Data Analytics Lead*
End Consumer Product | LoginEKO | Login5 Foundation
tine.kolenik at login5.org | logineko.com <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.logineko.com/__;!!Mih3wA!FnSIYtb7JWl6HVC0iHk1qsXWyQZIj7jMrGdrUlfS2OzObyFj2rLK8ZXXiRGNPoTxfZqyiJMzfsF9WZetpSmLGKcsmB_PjQ$ > |
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.logineko.com/__;!!Mih3wA!FnSIYtb7JWl6HVC0iHk1qsXWyQZIj7jMrGdrUlfS2OzObyFj2rLK8ZXXiRGNPoTxfZqyiJMzfsF9WZetpSmLGKcsmB_PjQ$ >login5.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.login5.org/__;!!Mih3wA!FnSIYtb7JWl6HVC0iHk1qsXWyQZIj7jMrGdrUlfS2OzObyFj2rLK8ZXXiRGNPoTxfZqyiJMzfsF9WZetpSmLGKegDCVAig$ >

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