[Eeglablist] odd pop_writeeeg issue

Hanna Szakács szakacsmiriamhanna at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 01:34:55 PST 2023

Hi all,

I noticed a strange thing when exporting files using the *pop_writeeeg*
function. I use an EGI EEG system to record EEG, and I convert the *mff
files into edf* using this function. Normally, the mff files contain 130
electrodes, where 129 is the reference and 130 is EOG. These are removed
during pop_writeeeg, and I end up with the correct 128 electrodes, which is
what I'm going for. But in some cases the resulting edf files contain *126*
electrodes, even though all the original mff files contain the correct
number of electrodes (130). I use eeglab 2021.1. Does anyone know why this
happens and how it can be solved?

Thanks in advance,

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