[Eeglablist] Support the EPSRC/MRC Developmental EEG Reliability Group!

Kimberley Whitehead kimberley.whitehead at kcl.ac.uk
Sat Dec 9 04:54:19 PST 2023

Dear colleagues

RESPECT 4 Neurodevelopment<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://respect4neurodevelopment.com__;!!Mih3wA!G-5V8fJ94QFajyaM54VJYW_ru6NQvUlzhpKxLQsCt2njmHd4wlbHYO727wKUn_ohRZHK5XAHc--XJPYqX4GAJ74kEdC7UBTwUs8$ > is an EPSRC/MRC-funded UKRI-Network Plus, which aims to make transformative changes in developing child-specific neurotechnologies for the clinic or home. One of our missions is to understand the issues around Reliability in EEG (and fNIRS/MRI).

We need your help and views to support us in creating a White Paper that discusses these issues of Reliability, by completing a 10min questionnaire about the reliability procedures you follow in your lab or company: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/y9oxZ7RS5t6JYpK37__;!!Mih3wA!G-5V8fJ94QFajyaM54VJYW_ru6NQvUlzhpKxLQsCt2njmHd4wlbHYO727wKUn_ohRZHK5XAHc--XJPYqX4GAJ74kEdC7hEteU0E$ . Please complete before 15th of January 2024.

Thank you!

Kim Whitehead and Lorenzo Fabrizi, Co-chairs of the EEG Reliability committee

Kimberley Whitehead, PhD

Senior Lecturer (Research & Teaching)
Division of Applied Technologies for Clinical Care
Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care
Office: 4.27 James Clerk Maxwell Building; Ext: 020 784 88372
HCPC-registered Clinical Scientist in Neurophysiology

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