[Eeglablist] ERSP Plot

Luigi Gan luigigan98 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 22:21:57 PST 2023

I am a beginner at EEG processing and just collected some data for a simple
finger-tapping experiment. And the ERSP plot that I get after
pre-processing does not seem to have an obvious ERD/ERS like those seen in
the literature. Does the problem lie in my pre-processing or in how I
collected the data?

Experiment condition:
15 sets of (Rest-> 1x Finger tap -> Rest )
Rest lasts for 5 seconds
Finger tap lasts for 10s *subject does nothing after doing a single finger

Pre-processing steps:
Set channel locations
Filter 0.5Hz
Remove artifacts and bad channels
Run ICA and remove eye, muscle etc components
Set epochs and remove baseline
Plot ERSP at C3

Resulting ERSP plot:

Thank you very much,


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