[Eeglablist] Group ICA Clustering Error

Shawn Flanagan shawn.flanagan at rosalindfranklin.edu
Sat Dec 23 08:28:40 PST 2023


I am working through the EEGlab Group Analysis Pipeline and am running into
the following error when I attempt to execute the Study --> PCA Clustering
(original) --> Build preclustering array step: "Cannot process components
from different ICA decompositions of the same subjects". See below.

[image: image.png]

My participants have two sessions (different days/cap placements) and
within each session, four different trial types (2 stimulation targets and
2 conditions for each target). The preprocessing steps (including ICA runs)
were run on the complete dataset for each session (all four trial types),
with session data analyzed separately as recommended.

I am not sure where to begin with this - I am working with TEP data and
used the TESA plug-in / pipeline with an initial round of fastICA to remove
stimulation-induced artifacts. and a second round of fastICA to remove all
other artifacts. I saved the component weights at both steps. After I
received this error the first time, I re-ran the analysis beginning at the
second ICA decomposition using EEGlab's group analysis batching pipeline
(infomax 1 extended --> ICAlabel --> ICAlabel artifacts --> DIPfit head
model and settings --> DIPFIT locate dipoles (auto). I then precomputed the
component measures and attempted to build the preclusting array (PCA - I
can provide parameters if potentially consequential but not my impression
at this point). Same issue. I then adjusted the study design - originally,
I set up two designs - with categorical session (1 2)  and categorical
condition (con stim) as independent variables for each target (M1 PFC).
When this didn't work, I reorganized the study design to have one study
with 2 sessions (1 2) and 4 conditions (M1con M1stim PFCcon PFCstim). No
luck. I should note that the procedure seems to work when the preclustering
array is programmed solely based on scalp maps, but of course, nothing
other than scalp maps will show in the view and edit current component
clusters pup-up menu (same error displayed when e.g.,plot ERPs, plot
spectra, etc).

Appreciate your time and guidance! Please let me know if any other
information would be helpful.

All the Best,


*Shawn Flanagan*
Associate Professor
Department of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine
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3333 Green Bay Rd
North Chicago, IL, 60064
shawn.flanagan at rosalindfranklin.edu <shawn.flanagan at rosalindfrankln.edu>

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