[Eeglablist] command to plot ITC with statistics

tim.redepenning at uni-bielefeld.de tim.redepenning at uni-bielefeld.de
Sun Mar 3 13:58:17 PST 2024

Dear list,

I want to compare the ITC between two conditions at each sensor for all my
64 channels.

With the study design I can create one plot containing both conditions and
the statistical differences for one channel at a time.

For testing purposes, I am using only one subject at the moment. My idea is
to create 64 plots (one for each channel) and save them in a folder to see
where statistical differences are present. Unfortunately, I cannot find the
right command line to do this automatically. I only get std_itcplot to plot
me the conditions without the statistical differences.  Could someone help
me out?


Best wishes



Tim Redepenning


PhD Student | "Motor Control and Training" - Research Group

Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science

Bielefeld University | Cognitive Interaction Technology - Center of
Excellence (CITEC)

33501 Bielefeld



Room: CITEC-1.411 | Phone: +49-(0)521-106-5129

E-Mail:  <mailto:tim.redepenning at uni-bielefeld.de>
tim.redepenning at uni-bielefeld.de


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