2024 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 2 08:11:03 PST 2024
Ending: Mon Dec 30 12:11:51 PST 2024
Messages: 608
- [Eeglablist] PhD scholarship position available
Jack Fogarty (Dr)
- [Eeglablist] Stimulation artifact in EEG recording
Emily McNicol (PGR)
- [Eeglablist] Several Open Positions Focusing on Electrophysiology, Bioelectromagnetism and Brain Open at Tampere University
Sampsa Pursiainen (TAU)
- [Eeglablist] Several Open Positions Focusing on Electrophysiology, Bioelectromagnetism and Brain Open at Tampere University
Sampsa Pursiainen (TAU)
- [Eeglablist] Handling BrainVision matlab files with ECG data
Dana A
- [Eeglablist] Recived email
Nadereh Abrand
- [Eeglablist] Bandpass Filter
Faruk Alioglu
- [Eeglablist] Muscles Movement Intention Detection
Faruk Alioglu
- [Eeglablist] Interpreting ICA scalp maps
Faruk Alioglu
- [Eeglablist] Questions on DIPFIT
Haneen Alsuradi
- [Eeglablist] Questions on DIPFIT (Source Localization)
Haneen Alsuradi
- [Eeglablist] Error in EEGlab functions
Lucie Aman
- [Eeglablist] ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Sofia Amaoui
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc in Data Science for a National Neurophysiologic Database – Technical University of Denmark
Tobias Andersen
- [Eeglablist] PhD position at ONERA and INT in the south of France
- [Eeglablist] Publication of an open-access resting-state EEG dataset
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Arnau
- [Eeglablist] PhD Position, MoBI for rehabilitation, Politecnico di Milano - Deadline 13th September
Fiorenzo Artoni
- [Eeglablist] Questions about loading Nihon Kohden's m00 EEG data
Toyomaki Atsuhito
- [Eeglablist] Study statistics: factor assignment EEGLAB vs Fieldtrip statistics - bug?
- [Eeglablist] Issues related to SEED dataset
Ananya Banerjee
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Grace Bang
- [Eeglablist] EEGLab Help Zoom Link
Grace Bang
- [Eeglablist] Problem with STUDY function
Basso, Julia
- [Eeglablist] FENS Satellite on Dynamic Auditory Predictions in Human and Non-human Primates – Call for Abstracts
Robert Baumgartner
- [Eeglablist] Reminder: FENS Satellite Symposium on Dynamic Auditory Predictions in Human and Non-human Primates
Robert Baumgartner
- [Eeglablist] Scalp map showing channels with significant clusters
Beaupain, Marie
- [Eeglablist] In search for a tech
Beker, Shlomit
- [Eeglablist] Cadwell Easy II, Easy III data files
Walter Besio
- [Eeglablist] Approximate Entropy values very low
Lizzy Blundon
- [Eeglablist] PhD Position in Decision Neuroscience at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Maarten Boksem
- [Eeglablist] problems with the statistics module in EEGlab
Bruce Bolster
- [Eeglablist] Problems with the statistics function in EEGlab
Bruce Bolster
- [Eeglablist] Merging two dataset
Ms Ritu Moni Borah
- [Eeglablist] Two open PhD positions at the University of Barcelona
Judith Dominguez Borras
- [Eeglablist] Special Issue entitled “IoT Technology in Bioengineering Applications"
Larbi Boubchir
- [Eeglablist] Special Session on "Advances in artificial intelligence and learning in Healthcare"
Larbi Boubchir
- [Eeglablist] MLESP
Larbi Boubchir
- [Eeglablist] Special Issue entitled “IoT Technology in Bioengineering Applications"
Larbi Boubchir
- [Eeglablist] MLESP
Larbi Boubchir
- [Eeglablist] MLESP
Larbi Boubchir
- [Eeglablist] Special Session on Advances in Deep Learning for Biomedical Data Analysis
Larbi Boubchir
- [Eeglablist] Neuroscan files and scale distortion
Isabella Bower
- [Eeglablist] Special Issue: Objects: from visual features to structure, meaning, and action
Joseph Brooks
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Marco Buiatti
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Marco Buiatti
- [Eeglablist] ICLabel update from v1.5 to 1.6 (EEGLAB from v2024.0 to 2024.1)
Güliz Bulut
- [Eeglablist] Questions about setting channel location map/file as a parameter in script
Güliz Bulut
- [Eeglablist] 3-year PhD student position, project on human memory and neural networks, University of Muenster, Germany
Niko Busch
- [Eeglablist] Seeking Research Assistant/Technician for Neuroscience Laboratory
George Buzzell
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Bulk importing and saving ANT neuro .cnt files
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Segregated EDFs
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Query on artifacts
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] REST rereference from command line
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] REST rereference from command line
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Inconsistent statistical output from cluster-based permutation
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Bandpass Filter
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Muscles Movement Intention Detection
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Rank Deficiency Error on Select Few Subjects
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Approximate Entropy values very low
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Approximate Entropy values very low
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] A question about extracting single trial EEG data
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Inquiry: Tool for measuring transient oscillatory events in continuous EEG
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Opinion on label of IC and its properties
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] ICA suggests weirdly low rank
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Bug in pop_writeeeg() function ?
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] ICLabel picks up right ear sources as eye components in eeglab2024.0?
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] importing biopac data into eeglab
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Internship opportunity: Data Analysis in Multimodal-VR Neuroscience Research (remote)
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Internship opportunity: Data Analysis in Multimodal-VR Neuroscience Research (remote)
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Proper Sequence for Manual Rejection, ASR, and ICA in EEG Preprocessing and Related Questions
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] EEG data issue
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Sudden Issue with eeglab.m: Issue with retrieving statistics for extensions
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Publication of an open-access resting-state EEG dataset
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Inquiry: EEGlab plugin get_entropy()
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] ROI Connect Power Extraction
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Sending event markers to CURRY9
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Seeking guidance around implementing signal forecasting in C#
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Problem understanding my EEG recorder filters
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Cedric Cannard
- [Eeglablist] Time warping - newtimef.m
Mariana Cardoso
- [Eeglablist] baseline
Juan Carlos
- [Eeglablist] processing multiple EEG datasets with different channel montages
Ana Navarro Cebrian
- [Eeglablist] Questions about setting channel location map/file as a parameter in script
Karen Chan
- [Eeglablist] Regarding STUDY.cluster(x).setinds field
Fang Yu Chang
- [Eeglablist] Una-Europa Epilepsy Detection Challenge and Seizeit2
Christos Chatzichristos
- [Eeglablist] Research Assistant position in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language
Choi, Arim
- [Eeglablist] Webinar on ERPLAB Studio on Friday of this week
Choudhury, Naseem
- [Eeglablist] New textbook announcement: Modern statistics
Mike X Cohen
- [Eeglablist] Course announcements: Neural time series and multivariate analyses
Mike X Cohen
- [Eeglablist] Course announcements: Neural time series and multivariate analyses
Mike X Cohen
- [Eeglablist] [FastICA] Choosing component probability threshold
Alice Cordeiro
- [Eeglablist] [FastICA] Choosing component probability threshold
Alice Cordeiro
- [Eeglablist] Fwd: mff events to Brainvision
Roy Cox
- [Eeglablist] mff events to Brainvision
Roy Cox
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
Tim Curran
- [Eeglablist] Flexible preprocessing (ICA then epoching and vice versa)
Tim Curran
- [Eeglablist] CuttingEEGX - Program is online and registration for Nijmegen
Contact CuttingEEG
- [Eeglablist] Register now for CuttingEEGX + submit your poster
Contact CuttingEEG
- [Eeglablist] Resting-state FC analysis: overlapping or non-overlapping frequency bands?
Dr Tyson Perez DC
- [Eeglablist] Postdoctoral position - team "computational brain" - Neuromodulation Institute / Paris, France
- [Eeglablist] Issue with Viewing Event Markers in EEGlab for BioSemi Data Recorded with PsychoPy
Dacorro-Poole, Lauren A
- [Eeglablist] Help with Signal Processing Toolbox
Dacorro-Poole, Lauren A
- [Eeglablist] Fwd: Seizure Detection Challenge (2025)
Jonathan Dan
- [Eeglablist] Assistant Professor Position at Colorado State University
- [Eeglablist] PhD position in Oldenburg, Germany
Stefan Debener
- [Eeglablist] Help with epoched dataset and trial removals
Jorge Delgado-Muñoz
- [Eeglablist] processing multiple EEG datasets with different channel montages
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Mismatch Versions 10.03 10.02
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Bulk importing and saving ANT neuro .cnt files
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Opportunities at the Joint China-Cuba Lab for Neurotechnology & Bioengineering (JCC-Lab)
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Snapread error
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB 2024.0 pre-release; please test
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB 2024.0 pre-release; please test
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Error resample tmpMMO
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Source roi package - group average
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Using ICLabel/ICFlag component removal in a Python-based workflow
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] problem with pop_saveset
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Neuroguide, LORETA-KEY
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Plugins on windows version
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] mff events to Brainvision
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB default colormap change
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] SIFT for group analysis
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] ICLabel picks up right ear sources as eye components in eeglab2024.0?
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] 5-year full PhD position at the Berlin Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Labs!
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB 2024.1 pre-release; please test
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] INCF Assembly on Neuroinformatics on Sep 23-25 at the University of Texas at Austin
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Using LIMO EEG with only one or two electrodes
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EGI Net Station Offset Integration
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Postdoctoral Positions in Quebec, Canada * Joint International Research Unit on Neuroplasticity *
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Biosig Plugin - Missing Dependency
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] ICLabel update from v1.5 to 1.6 (EEGLAB from v2024.0 to 2024.1)
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Merging two dataset
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB file export into EDF and Brain Vision format without channel position
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Automated EEG processing pipeline
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Automated EEG processing pipeline
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] [EXTERNAL] Re: Automated EEG processing pipeline
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] imported triggers have the same event code
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] questions about PSD, FFT and baseline corrections for my epochs.
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] Applying ASR / ICA to NeurofeedbackLab
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Arnaud Delorme
- [Eeglablist] PhD position in Auditory (Cognitive) Neuroscience at the University of Salzburg
Gianpaolo Demarchi
- [Eeglablist] Salzburg Mind Brain Annual Meeting - SAMBA 2024
Gianpaolo Demarchi
- [Eeglablist] Power spectrum analysis
Sander Denolf
- [Eeglablist] PhD offer at ONERA and INT in the south of France: decoding perceptual confidence with EEG and eye-tracking
Andrea Desantis
- [Eeglablist] Problem understanding my EEG recorder filters
Joseph Dien
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Joseph Dien
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Joseph Dien
- [Eeglablist] Unable to identify cluster of significant electrodes
Dr Cyril, Pernet
- [Eeglablist] LIMO request
Dr Cyril, Pernet
- [Eeglablist] Job Posting
Emily Drake
- [Eeglablist] Need help with ERSP plotting
PHAN Hoang Huu Duc
- [Eeglablist] EEG visualization survey results - Feedback welcome
Benedikt V. Ehinger
- [Eeglablist] [job] Two full-time PhD/PostDoc positions, "EEG in motion"
Benedikt V. Ehinger
- [Eeglablist] Call for collaboration_ Spatial perception in art installations
Ioustini Eloul
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centered scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
K Jeffrey Eriksen
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centered scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
K Jeffrey Eriksen
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centered scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
K Jeffrey Eriksen
- [Eeglablist] problem with pop_saveset
K Jeffrey Eriksen
- [Eeglablist] problem with pop_saveset
K Jeffrey Eriksen
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB .set file compatibility with HAPPE pipeline
Sahura Ertuğrul
- [Eeglablist] faculty positions in cognitive neuroscience at University of Utah
Matt Euler
- [Eeglablist] IEEE SMC Brain-Machine Interface Workshop 2024 - Call for Papers
Falk, Tiago Henrique
- [Eeglablist] IEEE SMC BMI Workshop (1 week left for submissions)
Falk, Tiago Henrique
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Meha Fatima
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc job opportunity
Petra Fischer
- [Eeglablist] Study Clustering Error
Shawn Flanagan
- [Eeglablist] Running clean raw data ASR in batch and displaying results of rejection
Mateo Leganes Fonteneau
- [Eeglablist] Problem understanding my EEG recorder filters
Enrico Fratto
- [Eeglablist] Problem understanding my EEG recorder filters
Enrico Fratto
- [Eeglablist] Problem understanding my EEG recorder filters
Enrico Fratto
- [Eeglablist] Ponemah
Marcio de Araujo Furtado
- [Eeglablist] Removing artifacts using ICA on single epochs
- [Eeglablist] EEG data file conversion between Brain Vision and Biosemi files
Jean Gagnon
- [Eeglablist] Need help setting up a complex analysis in LIMO
Gilbert, David G
- [Eeglablist] High pass filtering and ICA
Gilbert, David G
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB
Gilbert, David G
- [Eeglablist] Selecting portions of EEG to "keep" vs "reject"
Ivan Gligorijevic
- [Eeglablist] Seeking help with EEG Data Pre-processing in EEGLAB
Anvita Gopal
- [Eeglablist] EEGLab Help Zoom Link
- [Eeglablist] Job posting for the EEGLAB list
Gramann, Klaus
- [Eeglablist] 2024 Tübingen Systems Neuroscience Symposium (SNS2024)
Antonino Greco
- [Eeglablist] a question about pop_eegplot: how to use command to move the windwo to a particular time point
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
Deepa Gupta
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
Deepa Gupta
- [Eeglablist] EEG Processing postdoc for Baby's First Years project
Deepa Gupta
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Deepa Gupta
- [Eeglablist] BMC Biology Collection - Integrative and Translational Serial Dependence
Árni Kristjánsson - HI
- [Eeglablist] [Meetings] [CFP] (3rd Call) Call for Submission: NeuroDesign EXPO in HRI Student Showcase Competition at ICRA 2024 (USD $1000 in cash)
NeuroDesign in HRI
- [Eeglablist] Extract frequency analysis data from EEG lab
Habig, Ann-Kathrin
- [Eeglablist] Question about preprocessing EOG channels for ICA
Ayaka Hachisuka
- [Eeglablist] Question about preprocessing EOG channels for ICA
Ayaka Hachisuka
- [Eeglablist] Opinion on label of IC and its properties
Zaeem Hadi
- [Eeglablist] Flexible preprocessing (ICA then epoching and vice versa)
Zaeem Hadi
- [Eeglablist] Flexible preprocessing (ICA then epoching and vice versa)
Zaeem Hadi
- [Eeglablist] Statistics on Global ERSP Average of Independent Components in Single Cluster
Zaeem Hadi
- [Eeglablist] Using LIMO EEG with only one or two electrodes
Bryan Hall
- [Eeglablist] Postdoctoral research fellow at UMass Boston
Joanne Hall
- [Eeglablist] Postdoctoral research fellow at UMass Boston
Joanne Hall
- [Eeglablist] Job Posting: Hiring a Research Engineer for the US federal grant-funded projects
Vikram Shenoy Handiru
- [Eeglablist] REST rereference from command line
Swantje Hansen
- [Eeglablist] pop_resample() - potential bug?
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Inquiry: Tool for measuring transient oscillatory events in continuous EEG
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] [EXTERNAL] Re: Inquiry: Tool for measuring transient oscillatory events in continuous EEG
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Question about EEGlab Study Design and ERP Plot Ouput
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Pre-Processing Continuous EEG study using that used two different devices (BDF/EDF)
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Selecting portions of EEG to "keep" vs "reject"
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Biosig Plugin - Missing Dependency
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Sudden Issue with eeglab.m: Issue with retrieving statistics for extensions
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Inquiry: EEGlab plugin get_entropy()
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Inquiry: EEGlab plugin get_entropy()
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Problem understanding my EEG recorder filters
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Problem understanding my EEG recorder filters
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] Request for Assistance with BioSemi 32-Channel Cap Channel Location Files
Brian Harvey
- [Eeglablist] running AMICA with multiple models for subject data
Hauge,Theresa C
- [Eeglablist] running AMICA with multiple models for subject data
Hauge,Theresa C
- [Eeglablist] running AMICA with multiple models for subject data
Hauge,Theresa C
- [Eeglablist] Precomputing / calculating ERSPs and study design for STUDYs with timewarped and non-timewarped trials
Hauge,Theresa C
- [Eeglablist] COGNESTIC 2025
Olaf Hauk
- [Eeglablist] Mismatch Versions 10.03 10.02
Arild Hestvik
- [Eeglablist] Correlation with N400 mean amplitude values
Arild Hestvik
- [Eeglablist] EGI Net Station Offset Integration
Arild Hestvik
- [Eeglablist] imported triggers have the same event code
Alejandro José Estudillo Hidalgo
- [Eeglablist] Correlation with N400 mean amplitude values
Ryan Hubbard
- [Eeglablist] Source roi package - group average
Hunter, Montana R. (Dr.)
- [Eeglablist] [CFP] Modern Machine Learning Methods for robust and real-time Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) - ESANN 2024 - Deadline 02 May
Jaime Andres Riascos Salas - Docente IUE
- [Eeglablist] ICA data rank calculation question
Hamza Imtiaz
- [Eeglablist] Question about LMS Filtering in fMRIb2.1 (File fastranc.m)
Michael Jachan
- [Eeglablist] REST rereference from command line
Brennan Jackson
- [Eeglablist] Inconsistent statistical output from cluster-based permutation
Jacobsen,Noelle A
- [Eeglablist] EEG data issue
Bhavya Jalap
- [Eeglablist] EGI Net Station Offset Integration
Alyssa Dawne Nicole Janes
- [Eeglablist] Research Assistant in sleep and neuromodulation research
Valeria Jaramillo
- [Eeglablist] Same spectra/ERSP for different components in Study
Jenson, David Evans
- [Eeglablist] Junior biosignal data analyst position at Zander Labs in Munich Germany
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Sarnthein Johannes
- [Eeglablist] CEEG Processing and Quantitative EEG Parameter Calculation in ICU Patients With Noisy Data
Johnson, Thomas
- [Eeglablist] importing date from EGI/Magstim Net Station
Daniel Jones
- [Eeglablist] How to get frequency table in eeg labs software i dont know coding
Prathamesh K
- [Eeglablist] Query on artifacts
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
- [Eeglablist] Call for Abstracts: WMB&SPI 2025 (Satellite workshop of ICASSP 2025)
Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri
- [Eeglablist] Comparing ERPs based on different number of observations in STUDY
Cigir Kalfaoglu
- [Eeglablist] Comparing ERPs based on different number of observations in STUDY
Cigir Kalfaoglu
- [Eeglablist] Comparing average ERPs based on different number of observations
Cigir Kalfaoglu
- [Eeglablist] Phantom oscillations PCA
Petter Kallioinen
- [Eeglablist] 2024 UC-Davis/SDSU 10-day ERP Boot Camp Applications Now Open
Emily Kappenman
- [Eeglablist] Important Changes to 2024 ERP Boot Camp
Emily Kappenman
- [Eeglablist] montecarlo/permutation stats default params
Ozge Karakale
- [Eeglablist] Contract opportunity - data collection
- [Eeglablist] Bulk importing and saving ANT neuro .cnt files
Dani Katz
- [Eeglablist] Trimming raw data
Dani Katz
- [Eeglablist] eeglab functions with matlab file format?
Kavanaugh, Brian
- [Eeglablist] identifying previously interpolated channels across dataset?
Kavanaugh, Brian
- [Eeglablist] identifying previously interpolated channels across dataset?
Kavanaugh, Brian
- [Eeglablist] Hilibrand postdoctoral fellowship in autism research at Yale Child Study Center
Keifer, Cara
- [Eeglablist] Announcement for any undergraduates thinking about going on to graduate school
Kieffaber, Paul
- [Eeglablist] Two positions: Affective Neuroscience and Sensation and Perception
Kieffaber, Paul
- [Eeglablist] Curry 9 EEG Data Event Duplication
Kim, John
- [Eeglablist] Tenure-track Faculty Position in Cognitive Neuroscience at Wesleyan University
Kyungmi Kim
- [Eeglablist] Low Phase Locking Values
- [Eeglablist] Ponemah
King, Jillian
- [Eeglablist] EGI EEG systems for sale (10x128 caps, 3x256 caps, amps ...)
Tine Kolenik
- [Eeglablist] Inquiry Regarding Importing EEG Dataset into EEGLAB
Komal Komal
- [Eeglablist] Help with Interpolating Bad Channels after ICA
Komal Komal
- [Eeglablist] identifying previously interpolated channels across dataset?
Komal Komal
- [Eeglablist] EEGLab Help Zoom Link
Komal Komal
- [Eeglablist] EEGLab Help Zoom Link
Komal Komal
- [Eeglablist] Neuroguide, LORETA-KEY
John Kounios
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Devvarta Kumar
- [Eeglablist] Power spectrum analysis
Velu Prabhakar Kumaravel
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB ASR algorithm information
Velu Prabhakar Kumaravel
- [Eeglablist] Flexible preprocessing (ICA then epoching and vice versa)
Velu Prabhakar Kumaravel
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Velu Prabhakar Kumaravel
- [Eeglablist] Help on events
LAU, Hei Yuen Dawn [SEC]
- [Eeglablist] Extracting Values from ROIconnect
Edward Lannon
- [Eeglablist] ROI Connect Power Extraction
Edward Lannon
- [Eeglablist] Pop_eegthresh function
Jonas Laugesen
- [Eeglablist] Plotting line 229 array elements error
Carly Leannah
- [Eeglablist] Error with channel location structure
Ledwidge, Patrick
- [Eeglablist] [EXTERNAL] Re: Automated EEG processing pipeline
Ledwidge, Patrick
- [Eeglablist] Department Chair job posting- Western Kentucky
Ledwidge, Patrick
- [Eeglablist] SIFT for group analysis
Bar Lehmann
- [Eeglablist] conversion from EEGlab to Fieldtrip
Bar Lehmann
- [Eeglablist] MEG: EEGlab to Fieldtrip problem
Bar Lehmann
- [Eeglablist] question about ica decomposition of ictal iEEG signal to compute component topography
Anne-Cecile Lesage
- [Eeglablist] Curry 9 EEG Data Event Duplication
Raquel Lezama
- [Eeglablist] question about importing event info to continuous EEG
Keng-Yu Lin
- [Eeglablist] Research Assistant Opportunity, University of Maryland, College Park
Jamie Listokin-Uvsitzky
- [Eeglablist] questions about PSD, FFT and baseline corrections for my epochs.
Madhura Lotlikar
- [Eeglablist] PhD position in Cognitive Neuroscience at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Spain
Diego Lozano-Soldevilla
- [Eeglablist] New software package: ERPLAB Studio
Steven John Luck
- [Eeglablist] Webinar on ERPLAB Studio on Friday of this week
Steven John Luck
- [Eeglablist] A recording of our webinar on ERPLAB Studio is now available
Steven John Luck
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc opening at UConn
Akshay Maggu
- [Eeglablist] Using LIMO EEG with only one or two electrodes
Cyrille Magne
- [Eeglablist] [EXTERNAL] Re: Using LIMO EEG with only one or two electrodes
Cyrille Magne
- [Eeglablist] Fwd: Can I used ICA for rTMS-EEG data?
Mary Mahmoodi
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Submit your Mobile Brain/Body Imaging publication to win the Brain Products MoBI Award 2024!
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Flexible preprocessing (ICA then epoching and vice versa)
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Flexible preprocessing (ICA then epoching and vice versa)
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] microstate analysis
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Good review of MoBI studies of walking ....
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] HED under consideration by INCF - call for comments
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Swartz Center booth and Saturday afternoon posters at SfN
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] CEEG Processing and Quantitative EEG Parameter Calculation in ICU Patients With Noisy Data
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Robust PSD calculation
Scott Makeig
- [Eeglablist] Power spectrum analysis
Daniele Marinazzo
- [Eeglablist] Minimum ERSP value in a STUDY
Valerie Marissens
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Lena Marreel
- [Eeglablist] Registration open for MEG UKI 2024, Birmingham 28-31/10/24
Thomas Marshall
- [Eeglablist] Visual Neuroscience special issue/collection on the electrophysiology of vision; deadline extended
Jasna Martinovic
- [Eeglablist] EEG postdoc position at King's College London IoPPN
Luke Mason
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
McCleery, Amanda
- [Eeglablist] Electrode Arrays (Steve Sands)
John Joseph McDonald
- [Eeglablist] Open Post-Doc Computer Vision Position
Ryan McNamara
- [Eeglablist] Open Postdoc Position at EPFL
Ryan McNamara
- [Eeglablist] IFCN EEG-Based Biomarkers Reporting Standards
Sean McWeeny
- [Eeglablist] Seeking Feedback: IFCN EEG-Based Biomarkers Reporting Standards
Sean McWeeny
- [Eeglablist] Issue with the pop_subcomp function
Arnd Meiser
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc and RA positions open now
David Melcher
- [Eeglablist] Call for papers - Special Issue on Multimodal Imaging in Cognitive Neuroscience to be published in the journal Biological Psychology
Sreenivasan Meyyappan
- [Eeglablist] inconsistent electrode performance
Miller, Carol Anne
- [Eeglablist] microstate analysis
Maruti Mishra
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] New textbook announcement: Modern statistics
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] 3-years post-doc position available in Prague for epilepsy research
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Problem with batch PSD
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Spatial topography after ICA
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Recived email
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Query on artifacts
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Inconsistent statistical output from cluster-based permutation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Rank Deficiency Error on Select Few Subjects
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB ASR algorithm information
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Does EEG cleaning changes functional connectivity value?
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Neuroguide, LORETA-KEY
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Neuroguide, LORETA-KEY
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Inquiry: Tool for measuring transient oscillatory events in continuous EEG
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] microstate analysis
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] SIFT for group analysis
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] SIFT for group analysis
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Issue with the pop_subcomp function
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Low Phase Locking Values
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] ICA suggests weirdly low rank
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] ICA suggests weirdly low rank
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] ICA suggests weirdly low rank
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] ICLabel picks up right ear sources as eye components in eeglab2024.0?
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] ICLabel picks up right ear sources as eye components in eeglab2024.0?
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Question about preprocessing EOG channels for ICA
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] std selectICsByCluster
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] std selectICsByCluster
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] std selectICsByCluster
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Proper Sequence for Manual Rejection, ASR, and ICA in EEG Preprocessing and Related Questions
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Re-referencing drastically changes my power spectrum
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Help with Interpolating Bad Channels after ICA
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] question about ica decomposition of ictal iEEG signal to compute component topography
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Publication of an open-access resting-state EEG dataset
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Questions about loading Nihon Kohden's m00 EEG data
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Call for Papers: NAT’25 Conference on Neuroadaptive HCI and AI in Berlin!
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] High pass filtering and ICA
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Help with Signal Processing Toolbox
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Orientation Zoom Meeting (Part 2)
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Robust PSD calculation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] Robust PSD calculation
Makoto Miyakoshi
- [Eeglablist] M2 internship proposal - Postural and neural correlates of motivation
Harold Mouras
- [Eeglablist] EEG 1-month full time summer internship for PhD student or early postdoc
Dona Murphey
- [Eeglablist] Applying Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to EEG Data with Mixed Characteristics
Chista N
- [Eeglablist] Need a panel consisting of 5 foreign examiners - requesting consent to evaluate the Ph.D. thesis of Pragati Patel - regarding
Dr. A. Ramesh Naidu
- [Eeglablist] Postdoctoral Position, Music and Neuroscience lab, Western University
Karli Nave
- [Eeglablist] Final Call for Participation - Neural Traces 2024: Advanced M/EEG Methods and Clinical Applications Workshop
Nguyen, Tien Dung
- [Eeglablist] [ext] Extracting Values from ROIconnect
Nguyen, Tien Dung
- [Eeglablist] Automated EEG processing pipeline
Ugo Bruzadin Nunes
- [Eeglablist] PhD / Post-Doctoral Position at the University of Zurich: Neural Implementation of Hierarchy
Chantal Oderbolz
- [Eeglablist] PhD/postdoc positions Human Verbal Communication (PI: Yulia Oganian), Tuebingen
Yulia Oganian
- [Eeglablist] Baseline removal
Emole Onuoha
- [Eeglablist] FieldTrip MEG/EEG toolkit at Donders: registration open
Oostenveld, R. (Robert)
- [Eeglablist] error when using pop_eegplot
George McKenzie Opie
- [Eeglablist] potential conference?
Parisa Osfoori
- [Eeglablist] Music Stimulated EEG Recording
Ayobami Oyewole
- [Eeglablist] Difference plot: spectrum topographic maps
Tiago Paiva
- [Eeglablist] LIMO request
Tiago Paiva
- [Eeglablist] Rereferencing Issues
Jason Palmer
- [Eeglablist] Announcement about the zoom participation link for General Assembly of GBC -2024
Sambhu Pandit
- [Eeglablist] Issue Plotting Scalp Maps
Ashlie Pankonin
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Dr. Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] Segregated EDFs
Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB ASR algorithm information
Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] Selecting portions of EEG to "keep" vs "reject"
Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] More than EEG channels in EEG structure, how can I add the channel locations information?
Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] Neurofeedback set up inquiry
Efthymios Papatzikis
- [Eeglablist] Extraction of spectral power from brain components after ICA
Park, Jinhan
- [Eeglablist] PhD and Postdoc Positions in Psychology/Neuroscience/Electroencephalography
David Pascucci
- [Eeglablist] REMINDER: PhD and Postdoc Positions in Psychology / Neuroscience / Electroencephalography
David Pascucci
- [Eeglablist] Fwd: [visionlist] BMC Biology Collection - Integrative and Translational Serial Dependence
David Pascucci
- [Eeglablist] Join EEG ManyAnalyst Project
Paul, Dr. Katharina
- [Eeglablist] Mismatch Versions 10.03 10.02
Iryna Piarvoikina
- [Eeglablist] Mismatch Versions 10.03 10.02
Iryna Piarvoikina
- [Eeglablist] Final call for abstracts: 53rd Congress of the German Psychological Society/ 15th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society, Vienna (Austria)
Ulrich Pomper
- [Eeglablist] Re-referencing drastically changes my power spectrum
Ulrich Pomper
- [Eeglablist] Re-referencing drastically changes my power spectrum
Ulrich Pomper
- [Eeglablist] Re-referencing drastically changes my power spectrum
Ulrich Pomper
- [Eeglablist] Re-referencing drastically changes my power spectrum
Ulrich Pomper
- [Eeglablist] Importing events from NBS presentation
Shannon Proksch
- [Eeglablist] 2024 Bonsai Developer Conference
Joaquin Rapela
- [Eeglablist] 2024 Bonsai Developer Conference
Joaquin Rapela
- [Eeglablist] positions open for fully funded MS students
Rawls, Eric
- [Eeglablist] basic EEGLAB processing question re: time frequency measures
Nushka Remec
- [Eeglablist] Error with computing sample entropy
Andrade Rey René
- [Eeglablist] ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Richards, John
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
Richards, John
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
Richards, John
- [Eeglablist] Premature infants preprocessing pipeline with EEGLab tools
Josué Rico-Picó
- [Eeglablist] Topoplot produced by right mouse click on EEG
Franz Riederer
- [Eeglablist] Event Markers from multiple channels
Rinkel, Bridget
- [Eeglablist] Applying ASR / ICA to NeurofeedbackLab
Sam Roberts
- [Eeglablist] Hello, help with the pvfs format
Rodrigo Jhampier Cáceres Robles
- [Eeglablist] Extracting values
Dominic Roe
- [Eeglablist] Join the ReproPsy & e-ReproNim Fellowship Programmes!
Etienne B. Roesch
- [Eeglablist] Join us May 23 - EEGNet.org virtual Spring Colloquium
Christine Rogers
- [Eeglablist] Epoching by multiple event codes
Taren Rohovit
- [Eeglablist] Tenure track Assistant Professor, Union College, NY
Stephen Romero
- [Eeglablist] Issues processing renamed .mff files
Chris Rose
- [Eeglablist] Microphone artifact
Marc Rosenkranz
- [Eeglablist] Using LIMO EEG with only one or two electrodes
Guillaume Rousselet
- [Eeglablist] Rank Deficiency Error on Select Few Subjects
Olivia Rowe
- [Eeglablist] Neuroguide, LORETA-KEY
mahshid SHARIFI
- [Eeglablist] Large dataset (N=50) with clusters <50% of study population. Do I include?
Salminen,Jacob S
- [Eeglablist] Request for Assistance with BioSemi 32-Channel Cap Channel Location Files
Tavneen Sandhu
- [Eeglablist] Porto EEG/ERP Summer School 2024 - 08-12 July
Fernando Ferreira Santos
- [Eeglablist] Recommendations for in-ear headphones for EEG
Sebastian Sauppe
- [Eeglablist] Model-based Neuroscience Summer School
Model-based Neuroscience Summer School
- [Eeglablist] Reminder: Model-Based Neuroscience and Cognition Summer School in Amsterdam
Model-based Neuroscience Summer School
- [Eeglablist] Postdoctoral Research Position at the University of Rhode Island
Yalda Shahriari
- [Eeglablist] Regarding EEGLAB
Mansi Sharma
- [Eeglablist] Typo in pop_chanedit.m?
Shen, Qian
- [Eeglablist] running AMICA with multiple models for subject data
Seyed Yahya Shirazi
- [Eeglablist] running AMICA with multiple models for subject data
Seyed Yahya Shirazi
- [Eeglablist] Muscles Movement Intention Detection
Yahya Shirazi
- [Eeglablist] Ph.D. position in Neuromodulation - Deadline 6th September 2024
Sil, Tanmoy
- [Eeglablist] More than EEG channels in EEG structure, how can I add the channel locations information?
Martin Simoneau
- [Eeglablist] Signal processing issues
Leora Singer
- [Eeglablist] Signal processing issues
Leora Singer
- [Eeglablist] Rereferencing Issues
Leora Singer
- [Eeglablist] Spatial topography after ICA
Knut-André Skaug
- [Eeglablist] Snapread error
Aliza Sloan
- [Eeglablist] New plugin for automatic cleaning of whole-night sleep EEG data with ASR
Richard Somervail
- [Eeglablist] microstate analysis
Kevin Spencer
- [Eeglablist] microstate analysis
Ramesh Srinivasan
- [Eeglablist] Job Title: Research Assistant
Ramesh Srinivasan
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc Position on Neuromodulation in Germany available
Dr. Heiko Stecher
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc Position on Neuromodulation in Germany available
Dr. Heiko Stecher
- [Eeglablist] 3 open PhD positions in Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. Heiko Stecher
- [Eeglablist] Open Postdoc Position on Neuromodulation in Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. Heiko Stecher
- [Eeglablist] 4 years Postdoctoral Fellow in Magdeburg (Germany) on Neural Coding of Sequential Information in Humans (MEG)
Stenner, Max-Philipp
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc + PhD opportunities
Stewart, Hannah
- [Eeglablist] HIRING: Postdoc in developmental neuoscience
Stewart, Hannah
- [Eeglablist] FW: Deadline tomorrow: Postdoc in developmental neuroscience
Stewart, Hannah
- [Eeglablist] Question regarding pop_interp not interpolating EEG.data
Louise Stolz
- [Eeglablist] importing biopac data into eeglab
Simone Sulpizio
- [Eeglablist] Problem with batch PSD
Hanna Szakács
- [Eeglablist] Neuroguide, LORETA-KEY
Hanna Szakács
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
Hanna Szakács
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
Hanna Szakács
- [Eeglablist] Correlation with N400 mean amplitude values
Veronica Debora TORO
- [Eeglablist] Correlation with N400 mean amplitude values
Veronica Debora TORO
- [Eeglablist] Plot Averaged Channel Spectra for Multiple Participants
Tasnim, Noor
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc position in EEG research of Attention and Emotion at UCL
Taujanskaite, Ursule
- [Eeglablist] Unable to make head plots for study - caxis() error
Amy Tong
- [Eeglablist] Curry 9 EEG Data Event Duplication
Torres,Samuel A
- [Eeglablist] EEG Processing postdoc for Baby's First Years project
Troller-Renfree, Sonya
- [Eeglablist] Recruiting 1-2 PhD Students for the Language, Aging, and Knowledge Electrophysiology Lab at UNLV
Melissa Troyer
- [Eeglablist] Signal processing issues
Konstantinos Tsilimparis
- [Eeglablist] [EXTERNAL] Re: Automated EEG processing pipeline
Konstantinos Tsilimparis
- [Eeglablist] Strange behavior in EEGLab BDF read/write functions ?
Pierre Vigneron
- [Eeglablist] Bug in pop_writeeeg() function ?
Pierre Vigneron
- [Eeglablist] MEG PhD and postdoc positions at CIMeC, Italy
Ingmar de Vries
- [Eeglablist] [Meetings] [CFP] (3rd Call) Call for Submission: NeuroDesign EXPO in HRI Student Showcase Competition at ICRA 2024 (USD $1000 in cash)
Ker-Jiun (克鈞) Wang
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc position on neural time series or image analysis
Yujiang Wang
- [Eeglablist] Call to predict the replicability of influential EEG studies
Dominik Welke
- [Eeglablist] EEGManyLabs
Julius Welzel
- [Eeglablist] ICA suggests weirdly low rank
Ivonne Weyers
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Andreas Widmann
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Andreas Widmann
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Andreas Widmann
- [Eeglablist] pop_resample() - potential bug?
Andreas Widmann
- [Eeglablist] Re-referencing drastically changes my power spectrum
Andreas Widmann
- [Eeglablist] RA Position Human Brain Mapping Lab
Winfield, Jalen
- [Eeglablist] Using ICLabel/ICFlag component removal in a Python-based workflow
Christopher James Winnard
- [Eeglablist] Error resample tmpMMO
Angelika Wolman
- [Eeglablist] Channel names MARA
Angelika Wolman
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc position on predictive representations / dynamic RSA, CIMeC, Uni Trento, Italy
Moritz Wurm
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB Plugins on windows version
Daniela Xavier
- [Eeglablist] What can I do after using an incorrect EEG workspace?
Yunwen Xu
- [Eeglablist] Postdoc positions at Oxford ~ Mechanisms of rapid trust formation (Nick Yeung)
Nick Yeung
- [Eeglablist] Importing Event List
Demet Yeşilbaş
- [Eeglablist] Importing Event List
Demet Yeşilbaş
- [Eeglablist] [Conferences] AIiH 2024 Call for Special Session Proposals (International Conference on AI in Healthcare, Swansea UK)
Jiaxiang ZHANG
Jiaxiang ZHANG
Jiaxiang ZHANG
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Francisco Zambrano
- [Eeglablist] Rank deficiency and ASR+ICA
Pancho Zambrano
- [Eeglablist] Birmingham-Leiden Summer School in Computational Social Cognition
Lei Zhang
- [Eeglablist] [reminder] Birmingham-Leiden Summer School in Computational Social Cognition 2024
Lei Zhang
- [Eeglablist] std selectICsByCluster
Francesca Zidda
- [Eeglablist] std selectICsByCluster
Francesca Zidda
- [Eeglablist] std selectICsByCluster
Francesca Zidda
- [Eeglablist] Import of iEEG Data from a XLTEK EPWorks from a NATUS machine
Zinn, Sebastian
- [Eeglablist] [EXTERNAL] RE: Import of iEEG Data from a XLTEK EPWorks from a NATUS machine
Zinn, Sebastian
- [Eeglablist] Special Session on "Advances in artificial intelligence and learning in Healthcare"
boubchir at ai.univ-paris8.fr
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
- [Eeglablist] Reference point location and Cleanline issue
- [Eeglablist] Import of iEEG Data from a XLTEK EPWorks from a NATUS machine
jefferiksen at comcast.net
- [Eeglablist] Import of iEEG Data from a XLTEK EPWorks from a NATUS machine
jefferiksen at comcast.net
- [Eeglablist] An easy-to-follow handbook for electroencephalogram data analysis with Python
- [Eeglablist] Help needed for legacy equipment (MagstimEGI GES300 clock-sync box)
haozi078 at gmail.com
- [Eeglablist] running AMICA with multiple models for subject data
japalmer29 at gmail.com
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
japalmer29 at gmail.com
- [Eeglablist] Fw: Re: ECG Channel Inclusion in ICA and ICLabel Steps
japalmer29 at gmail.com
- [Eeglablist] Signal processing issues
japalmer29 at gmail.com
- [Eeglablist] 11th rTAIM Online Seminar | Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Duke Uni.) | 26 June 2024 - 3pm Lisbon Time Zone | Zoom
steven gouveia
- [Eeglablist] [Call for Abstracts] - 3rd International Conference on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (3ICEAI) (19-25 September 2024)
steven gouveia
- [Eeglablist] [Registration for Attendance | Program]: 3rd International Conference on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (3ICEAI)
steven gouveia
- [Eeglablist] [Newsletter] rTAIM Seminar #13 | Ethical Agent or Mere Tool?: A Cautioning Argument for “Moral” Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare | 30 October 2024, 15h00, Online
steven gouveia
- [Eeglablist] Unable to identify cluster of significant electrodes
sanjana govindaswamy
- [Eeglablist] Call for papers
heqing.psy at hotmail.com
- [Eeglablist] EEGLAB file export into EDF and Brain Vision format without channel position
liao ke
- [Eeglablist] Neuroimaging Data Analyst position (CIMCYC-UGR)
- [Eeglablist] runica and usage of multithreading?
d m
- [Eeglablist] Welcome Your Paper Contributions [Applied Sciences] (IF: 2.7) Special Issue: "Advanced Technologies and Applications of Brain Sciences"
rosie.zhou at mdpi.com
- [Eeglablist] 13 open PhD positions in the Research Training Group 2660 (Approach-Avoidance) in Würzburg, Germany
- [Eeglablist] Linear regression on EEG data
vandana s
- [Eeglablist] Correlation with N400 mean amplitude values
sujata sinha
- [Eeglablist] 3-month internship opportunity on Music-EEG at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Tokyo
Vincent.Cheung at sony.com
- [Eeglablist] Recived email
ivano triggiani
- [Eeglablist] Neuroguide, LORETA-KEY
ivano triggiani
- [Eeglablist] Signal processing issues
ivano triggiani
- [Eeglablist] Call for applications to apply for a postdoctoral internship in Environmental Neuroscience, Laboratory of Functional Neuroscience and Pathologies, Amiens, France
harold.mouras at u-picardie.fr
- [Eeglablist] Question about using GUI in Linux Matlab to load an existing dataset
pancy at udel.edu
- [Eeglablist] command to plot ITC with statistics
tim.redepenning at uni-bielefeld.de
- [Eeglablist] ITC plotting issue
tim.redepenning at uni-bielefeld.de
- [Eeglablist] Re-referencing for ITC
tim.redepenning at uni-bielefeld.de
- [Eeglablist] Merging two dataset
goharbak at uni-bremen.de
- [Eeglablist] fft analysis
goharbak at uni-bremen.de
- [Eeglablist] Adriatica 2024 Summer School on “Brain-Body-Environment Interactions and Wellbeing”
francesca.ferri at unich.it
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Metin Özyağcılar
- [Eeglablist] 0.01 Hz highpass filter isn't running
Metin Özyağcılar
- [Eeglablist] Automated Artefact Rejection - BVA Methods
Metin Özyağcılar
- [Eeglablist] Supressing the GUI (pop_epoch)
Metin Özyağcılar
- [Eeglablist] Open-Rank Position, Department of Neuroscience at Bilkent University
Burcu Ayşen Ürgen
- [Eeglablist] Combining EEG datasets during preprocessing
Stefan Đukić
- [Eeglablist] potential conference?
Anđela Šoškić
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Евгений Машеров
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Евгений Машеров
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Евгений Машеров
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centerd scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Евгений Машеров
- [Eeglablist] Why most of good 'brain' ICs are 'dipolar' with show 'red'-centered scalp topos, although 2/3 of the cortex is in sulci?
Евгений Машеров
- [Eeglablist] ICA suggests weirdly low rank
Евгений Машеров
- [Eeglablist] ICA suggests weirdly low rank
Евгений Машеров
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
- [Eeglablist] Handling Abrupt Changes After ASR Preprocessing
- [Eeglablist] How to calculate the global mean field power (GMFP)
- [Eeglablist] A question about extracting single trial EEG data
- [Eeglablist] statistics on ERSP error
- [Eeglablist] Proper Sequence for Manual Rejection, ASR, and ICA in EEG Preprocessing and Related Questions
- [Eeglablist] Extraction of spectral power from brain components after ICA
- [Eeglablist] Does EEG cleaning changes functional connectivity value?
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Mon Dec 30 12:11:51 PST 2024
Archived on: Mon Dec 30 13:51:41 PST 2024
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