[Eeglablist] running AMICA with multiple models for subject data

Seyed Yahya Shirazi shirazi at ieee.org
Wed Jun 12 06:21:36 PDT 2024

Good day, Theresa,

Good first submission.

It seems that you ran amica17_nsg.m on your local PC, and it failed.

This version will not run on a PC or a local computer (especially Windows PCs; the “export" command is a Unix-only command, and there are also Slurm-only commands in this version that require a high-performance computing cluster, HPC). You need to run it on a Matlab instance on a supercomputer with Slurm.

Overall, you need to do the following:

Start a Matlab Session on your HPC, this can be by having a graphical or command-line interactive sessions, based on waht is supported on your HPC.
Complete preprocessing of the dataset how ever you aim.
Make sure that the latest AMICA respository is on your path (you can cloine it from GitHub https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/sccn/amica__;!!Mih3wA!F6H2FTKA5_J9NLO1uK211GuDh8tYhRhVFGRj8xYWbrnz9xK87qsTqOcbqN3p0zMuV9y0olvmtsS5aMtRpoaO$ )
Call runamica17_nsg.m <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/sccn/amica/blob/master/runamica17_nsg.m__;!!Mih3wA!F6H2FTKA5_J9NLO1uK211GuDh8tYhRhVFGRj8xYWbrnz9xK87qsTqOcbqN3p0zMuV9y0olvmtsS5aE28x0-S$ > with your EEG structure from the command line. You can’t invoke this version from GUI.  Your current parameters seem to be ok.
Collect the results from the output folder, load the wieghts, or use the postAmicaUtility plug-in to analyze the results.

Please let us know how it goes with this setup on your HPC.

BTW, I think attachments are not carried through this service. If you want to share one, you should upload it to a cloud service and then sahre the link.


Seyed (Yahya) Shirazi, Ph.D., Asst. Project Scientist, Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, Institute for Neural Computation, UCSD, neuromechanist.github.io <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://neuromechanist.github.io/__;!!Mih3wA!F6H2FTKA5_J9NLO1uK211GuDh8tYhRhVFGRj8xYWbrnz9xK87qsTqOcbqN3p0zMuV9y0olvmtsS5aIpLOzV8$ >

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