[Eeglablist] Seeking Feedback: IFCN EEG-Based Biomarkers Reporting Standards

Sean McWeeny seanmcweeny2022 at u.northwestern.edu
Wed Aug 21 10:44:31 PDT 2024

Hi all,

I'm writing on behalf of my PI Josh Ewen seeking feedback on two documents.
IFCN (International Federation for Clinical Neurophysiology; the
international association for clinical EEG) commissioned us to produce
reporting standards around EEG-based biomarkers for both neurological and
neuropsychiatric conditions. We just completed the committee process, and
the IFCN Executive Committee has cleared us to receive public comment. We
would love any input.

These reporting guidelines are similar to STARD, CONSORT and PRISMA, and in
fact the head of the EQUATOR Network and lead author of the TRIPOD
guidelines (EQUATOR Network | Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of
Health Research (equator-network.org) <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.equator-network.org/__;!!Mih3wA!HZuAqspI4Yy0Ni6NUt6M-EbJek6WzG49htX8Ah_SRgG3P8TrcXJiomCtxNWOXOwk1KjsFGBDO3b0QRMWLVr_aumUfTbbCuFWvttKX0plsg$ >)
was a part of our committee.

Please send your comments to jewen at luriechildrens.org. Looking forward to
your feedback.

Thank you,


Sean McWeeny, PhD
Research Scientist | Lurie Children's Hospital
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

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