[Eeglablist] HED under consideration by INCF - call for comments

Scott Makeig smakeig at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 07:27:17 PDT 2024

The Hierarchical Event Descriptors (HED) system (hedtags.org) is the only
system developed to describe the nature of any and all *events* occurring
during time series neuroimaging experiments -- in detail using a
well-defined and in-common syntax and vocabulary.

Acceptance of HED as an international standard by the International
Neuroimaging Coordinating Facility (INCF) body (incf.org) is important for
advancing the quality of neuroimaging metadata.

A current, rarely acknowledged problem for most neuroimaging data archives
is the lack of accurate and detailed metadata -- including event
descriptions -- in many of the published datasets. Advanced statistical
analysis including AI modeling, to relate recorded brain dynamics to
concurrent participant experience and behavior can be successful only to
the extent that well annotated training data are available.

It is therefore urgent that HED receive widespread recognition and
adoption, to speed the transition to the new era of using neuroimaging data
for advanced modeling and subsequent clinical and basic scientific and
engineering applications.

While INCF consideration of HED is ongoing, comments  and suggestions on
its community review forum are crucial for moving the HED moving ecosystem
forward. Please consider adding your comment here
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.incf.org/commentaries/hed__;!!Mih3wA!EJFkTyeUfSxiTzQPm9-S5X66UIfG_rLH_pIAr5AMcCb5xVnAGBWN9L4BP3rZXKZ_eEyQf5NoViMCez29AlHl$ >.


Scott Makeig, Research Scientist and Director, Swartz Center for
Computational Neuroscience, Institute for Neural Computation, University of
California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093-0559, http://sccn.ucsd.edu/~scott

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