[Eeglablist] Open Postdoc Position on Neuromodulation in Oldenburg, Germany

Dr. Heiko Stecher heiko.stecher at uni-oldenburg.de
Thu Aug 15 02:29:13 PDT 2024

Dear eeglab community,

The experimental psychology lab in Oldenburg, Germany, is currently 
looking to fill a 3-yerar post-doc position in the research area of 
Neuromodulation in tinnitus-patients.

For details, please check https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uol.de/stellen?stelle=70498__;!!Mih3wA!H-IPNtbgcHII7J6ce6ir8bfaSvaanPFmPZ9UFwmWR0q8Z403NdOc9-tvk3FkxU9izWQqUixkXuEcY0NUDvHWgF963d1-cjLhXse3YQ$ 



Dr. Heiko Ivo Stecher
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Faculty VI - School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Psychology
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg, Germany
Mail:heiko.stecher at uol.de
Tel: +49 441 798 2620 (~10:00-17:00)
Office: A7 0-021

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