[Eeglablist] Una-Europa Epilepsy Detection Challenge and Seizeit2
Christos Chatzichristos
christos.chatzichristos at kuleuven.be
Mon Dec 2 07:30:31 PST 2024
Dear colleagues and collaborators
Following the successful organization of the ICASSP 2023 Seizure Detection challenge<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://signalprocessingsociety.org/publications-resources/data-challenges/seizure-detection-challenge-icassp-2023__;!!Mih3wA!CIz48Fkrde3m_H3ZEBk3Jn3cQoz0RI4ctkoSchM_beqK-Uq770JxQnq8RyzlwZ5dWjq9NQbn9D2H75R30Q9B3Km1I-mE8rIAH6H6Lg$ > we have received multiple emails and requests to reshare wearable epileptic data and/or reorganize a similar event. Joining powers with the Una Europa alliance of universities we are hosting a new Epilepsy challenge and releasing the biggest dataset with wearables for epileptic patients in the world (SeizeIt2) with more than 200 patients.
We will be honored if you, members of your group, or colleagues of yours would join in our challenge.
Furthermore, fill free to share the information to any potentially interested colleague, student or collaborator of yours.
Please read more details in the text that follows and in the Epilepsy challenge website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://biomedepi.github.io/seizure_detection_challenge/__;!!Mih3wA!CIz48Fkrde3m_H3ZEBk3Jn3cQoz0RI4ctkoSchM_beqK-Uq770JxQnq8RyzlwZ5dWjq9NQbn9D2H75R30Q9B3Km1I-mE8rJBcWbR8Q$ >
📊👩💻 The Challenge: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, yet 30% of patients continue to experience seizures despite medication. To improve treatment decisions, precise seizure detection is key. In this challenge, you’ll leverage ML to analyze EEG data from wearable devices worn by over 200 epilepsy patients, aiming to accurately detect seizure events. You can make a change for patient care!
What to Expect: The challenge kicks off with an online workshop on 3 February, where participants will gain access to the dataset and guidance from experts. Regular Q&A sessions will keep you supported throughout. In April, join a hybrid workshop to present findings to leading experts in neuroscience, ML, signal processing, and cognitive science.
Why Participate?
◾ Work on a real-world, high-quality dataset in an international collaborative environment
◾ Collaborate with experts in neuroscience and ML to advance EEG data collection and analysis techniques.
◾High-scoring participants can win a ‘wild card’ and paid costs to attend the workshop in Leuven!
Who Can Join? This opportunity is open to researchers in biomedical engineering, software engineering, IT for health, or equivalent fields. Basic programming skills are needed, and experience with biomedical signals is a plus.
👉 Ready to Make a Difference? Apply individually or as a team (up to three members) by 20 January. Can’t find a team? Indicate your interest in team-matching on the registration form.
Epilepsy challenge website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://biomedepi.github.io/seizure_detection_challenge/__;!!Mih3wA!CIz48Fkrde3m_H3ZEBk3Jn3cQoz0RI4ctkoSchM_beqK-Uq770JxQnq8RyzlwZ5dWjq9NQbn9D2H75R30Q9B3Km1I-mE8rJBcWbR8Q$ >
Kind regards
Christos Chatzichristos, Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT)
Stadius Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics (STADIUS)
| Christos Chatzichristos. VAIA Vlaamse AI Academie<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.vlaamse-ai-academie.be/__;!!Mih3wA!CIz48Fkrde3m_H3ZEBk3Jn3cQoz0RI4ctkoSchM_beqK-Uq770JxQnq8RyzlwZ5dWjq9NQbn9D2H75R30Q9B3Km1I-mE8rI6jNT1dA$ >
AI Expert . Project Leader KUL
Blijf op de hoogte van ons nieuws<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.vaia.be/nl/newsletter__;!!Mih3wA!CIz48Fkrde3m_H3ZEBk3Jn3cQoz0RI4ctkoSchM_beqK-Uq770JxQnq8RyzlwZ5dWjq9NQbn9D2H75R30Q9B3Km1I-mE8rKtXnVBcw$ > . Zet ook jouw opleiding op https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.vaia.be__;!!Mih3wA!CIz48Fkrde3m_H3ZEBk3Jn3cQoz0RI4ctkoSchM_beqK-Uq770JxQnq8RyzlwZ5dWjq9NQbn9D2H75R30Q9B3Km1I-mE8rLUsf5jQw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.vaia.be/nl/submit-your-course__;!!Mih3wA!CIz48Fkrde3m_H3ZEBk3Jn3cQoz0RI4ctkoSchM_beqK-Uq770JxQnq8RyzlwZ5dWjq9NQbn9D2H75R30Q9B3Km1I-mE8rIArG0PVQ$ >|
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