[Eeglablist] Error in EEGlab functions

Lucie Aman lcsa2 at medschl.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jul 8 02:50:21 PDT 2024

Dear EEGlab community,

I have been struggling with EEGlab/Matlab for a few weeks. The code has been working on a different laptop but not on mine, so I suspect it might be a path problem but I haven’t managed to solve it.

  1.  When I try to import MFF files, I get the following error message:
Error using mff_importsignal (line 218)
Error: Can not open the signal resource.\n

Error in mff_import (line 85)
[floatData, allDataSize, srate, nchans] = mff_importsignal(mffFile);
Error in pop_mffimport (line 65)
EEG = mff_import(fileName);

  1.  When I try to epoch my files I get the following message:

Error using pop_epoch (line 279)

pop_epoch(): empty epoch range (no epochs were found).

Error in epoch_MMN (line 114)

        EEG = pop_epoch(EEG,{},opt.timewindow,'eventindices',selectevents);

Error in pipelineMMN (line 58)

    epoch_MMN(basenames{i}, 'indir', imp_dir, 'outdir', epo_dir, 'timewindow', [-0.1 0.6], 'lpfreq',


I get these messages even for files I have previously successfully imported and epoched, not just the new files.
I have tried to change the version of EEGlab, and I use the mffmalabio2.1 plugin that I had to add manually as I cannot directly add it to the EEGlab GUI via the menu (doesn’t work). I have added the mffplugin to the path.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Best wishes,

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