[Eeglablist] conversion from EEGlab to Fieldtrip

Bar Lehmann bl710 at georgetown.edu
Thu Aug 22 08:51:03 PDT 2024

I'm having trouble converting between EEGlab and Fieldtrip. More
specifically, I am using .fif MEG files (Elekta Neuromag, gradiometer-only
dataset in BIDS format) and wish to use EEGlab functions as well as
Fieldtrip ones. However, once I save the file in EEGlab (in .set / .fdt
format) and try to open the eeglab files into Fieldtrip (or open them in
EEGlab and then import them to Fieldtrip, the result is the same), I get an
error message (copied below).  I was unable to find much information about
this error online.

It was suggested to me that this may have "to do with the orientation of
the MEG sensors' coordinates, e.g., due to a 90 grad. rotation) when you
transfer files from .fif to eeglab format and back."
I am looking into ways of accounting for this, but thought I would check if
others have found any simple way around this error.

Thanks in advance for any tips,

Unrecognized field name "tra".

Error in channelposition (line 287)
          meanpnt  = [meanpnt;
mean(sens.coilpos(abs(sens.tra(sel1(j),:))>0.5,:), 1)];

Error in ft_datatype_sens (line 471)
        [chanpos, chanori, lab] = channelposition(sens);

Error in ft_datatype_sens (line 262)
    sens      = ft_datatype_sens(sens, new_argin{:});

Error in ft_datatype_sens (line 229)
    sens      = ft_datatype_sens(sens, new_argin{:});

Error in ft_datatype_sens (line 180)

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