[Eeglablist] Unable to make head plots for study - caxis() error

Amy Tong amy.tong at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Jul 22 02:54:19 PDT 2024

Hi all,

I'm having problems creating headplots for a study, using "Study -> Plot channel measures" and the "Plot average topography over frequency range" in EEGLAB v2024.0 and v2023.1, with MATLAB R2023a.

This used to work until a few weeks ago. And I would get one figure with a topoplot for each group in my study. The datasets are the same. And I have this issue whether I make the study using a script (that I've been using for months with no issues until recently) or if I make it manually. I have also tested making a small study of just 4 participants and get the same problem.

I now get a warning in the command window saying 'Warning: std_readdata ignored at least one parameters: "rmsubjmean"'

And a pop-up with the heading caxis error, and the message "Must be two element row vector., This is not a bug (Error occurred in function caxis() at line 33)"

It creates a figure with only one plot, when there should be 4, and it is entirely red: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ibb.co/G724Byr__;!!Mih3wA!DXMvQ-MqGlRY44Gf0N79VqvkllWFbIYeHn9rJuhQpqee4WZU0zAIRHUUP3FW1EvI9tvjirRRuLj6AZDs4JVZHf7XPw$ . I used to get plots like this: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://i.imghippo.com/files/0lOme1721641436.png__;!!Mih3wA!DXMvQ-MqGlRY44Gf0N79VqvkllWFbIYeHn9rJuhQpqee4WZU0zAIRHUUP3FW1EvI9tvjirRRuLj6AZDs4JVoy6g-Eg$ 

My understanding that the issue occurs when trying to create the colour bars or scales for the plots.

The only thing I can think of that has changed recently is that I installed 2 older versions of MATLAB and an older version of EEGLAB (v14) so that I can use some older toolboxes. Could this be the problem? Would love to hear if someone can think of why this could be happening. It's also possible I've forgotten some basic step in the last few weeks.

Best wishes,

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