[Eeglablist] Re-referencing drastically changes my power spectrum

Ulrich Pomper ulrich.pomper at univie.ac.at
Fri Aug 16 08:09:59 PDT 2024

Dear EEGlab list,

I have a question regarding to order of two common preprocessing steps: 
filtering and re-referencing to common average.

In my current EEG study, I initially filter the raw, continuous data 
into low (2-12 Hz) and high frequency components (13 - 80 Hz), and 
afterwards re-reference the data to common average. However, this 
re-referencing step really messes up the spectrum of the data in a way 
that makes me suspect an error (please see panels 7 and 8 in this figure 

When I re-reference first and filter second, on the other hand, the 
spectrum stays intact and the data seem OK (see panels 5 and 6).

I was hoping that someone might be able to explain to me what is going 
on here, and potentially confirm that re-referencing first and filtering 
second is actually the correct way to go.

I'd highly appreciate any input!

Many thanks,


Dr. Ulrich Pomper

Senior Scientist
Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology
  University of Vienna
  Liebiggasse 5
  1010 Vienna

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