EEG data available for public download
EEG local links
- Rapid categorization of natural images
- Task and constraints
- Categorization of B&W and Color images in monkeys and humans (behavior only)
- Categorization of familiar versus new images in humans (behavior and EEG)
- Categorization versus detection of target in natural images (EEG)
- Spectral analysis using ICA in the categorization task (human EEG)
- Other relevant publications of theThorpe group on categorization
- EEG changes accompanying volontary regulation of the 12-Hz EEG activity (BCI)
- EEG tools
Rapid categorization of natural images
Task and Constraints
- Visual Categorization of natural images by humans and monkeys (A)
- Animal / Non Animal (Target = Animal) or Food / Non Food (Food = target)
- Central brief presentation: 30ms - No time for eye movement
- Go / No-go Response (Target: Release button (C) and touch screen (B) in under 1s; Non-target images: keep pressing button for 1s (C)
- Response to the first presentation of a new image - no learning
All the images were taken from a Commercialized CDrom (Corel CD) containing a large variety of photographs (about 40,000). To minimize the effect of context for target images, we randomly varied the number and type of animals and their size, view and position. Below are some examples of images presented to the human and monkey subjects.
Images in the food task Images in the animal task ![]()
Categorization of B&W and Color images in monkeys and humans (behavior only)
Advantage in accuracy for colored images decreases
for subject with fast behavioral responses
Categorization of familiar versus new images in humans (behavior and EEG)
Human subjects had to categorize the same 200 images for 15 consecutive days. Then these images were mixed with 1200 previously unseen ones to asses the difference between familiar and new images. Surprisingly, for images categorized in under 250ms in humans they were no significant difference between familiar and new images (below are the reaction times of all human subjects, B is a zoom of fastest reaction times in A).
Moreover for humans, early ERPs for familiar and new images were hardly distinguishable (see figure below, on the left the grand average ERPs of 14 subjects and on the right the differential ERPs for the two type of images). For more details, this work has been pulished in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (see publication).
categorization versus detection of target in natural images (EEG)
14 human subjects alternated between two tasks. In one tasks, the subjects had to perform the standard animal categorization task (see above). In the other tasks, subject had to categorize a single image (that contained an animal for comparison with the categorization task) among various non-target images (as in the categorization task, target and non-target were equiprobable). As shown in the figure below, we first observed a 30-40 ms delay for the categorization compared to the single image detection task both in terms of differential ERPs (grand average target minus non-target) and behavioral responses (in d' accuracy measure shifted by -60 ms so that they would align with the ERPs).
We also observed similar regions of activity for the two differential ERPs. To interpret this result, we hypothetized that both tasks recruited the same regions of activation but that the top-down task preseting of this region depended on the task, so that the unique image detection task was faster than the categorization one. (This work is under the process of being published.)
Spectral analysis using ICA in the categorization task (human EEG)
Application of ICA to two sessions (2 consecutive days) of the categorization task for one subject. We found a good correspondance between the two sessions both for the ICA components and for their synchronization. We also develop a new type of representation of brain activity "brainmovie" to vizualize the spectral correlation (coherence) of many ICA component simultaneously. This work has been published in Neurocomputing, see publications.
Other relevant publications of theThorpe group on categorization
Thorpe, S., Fize, D., Marlot, C. (1996) Nature 1996 Jun 6;381(6582):520-2. Pubmed link
Van Rullen, R., Thorpe S. (2000) J Cogn Neurosci 2001 May 15;13(4):454-61. Pubmed link
Rousellet, G., Fabre-Thorpe, M., Thorpe, S. (2002). Nat Neurosci 2002 Jul;5(7):629-30. Pubmed link
EEG changes accompanying volontary regulation of the 12-Hz EEG activity (BCI)
Jonathan Wolpaw and this team at the Wadsworth center are tranning subject to control the so-called mu rythm at 12 Hz to move a cursor on the screen up and down. We analsysed some of their data and observed that 12Hz regulation at few electrode sites are accompanied by large changes at other sites and in other frequency bands. The figure below shows the behavior of 3 components (A, B, C) at different frequencies for up-regulated and down-regulated trials. This work is in the process of being published in IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering. For more detials, see publication.
Back in 2000, I wrote a graphical package under Matlab (EEGLAB 2.1) to reject automatically (or semi-automatically) artifact in EEG data. It was designed to be user friendly and fully scriptable (all the command can be executed from Matlab scripts). It was based on the former ICA toolbox package for Matlab and also provided some functions to automatically visualize independent components. With Scott Makeig, in 2002, we then decided to fuse the previous version of EEGLAB (2.1) with the ICA toolbox. We added more data processing functions and extend the capacities of other functions. We also focussed on making the function more stable and user friendly. EEGLAB 4.x is available HERE.
Function to import Neuroscan data files
These are functions I programmed to read (neuroscan) EEG, AVG and DAT files under Matlab (NeuroScan EEG file formats). Copy these function into a directory and launch Matlab on this directory. Type the function without argument to get the help of how to use it. Note updated versions of these functions are distributed as part of the EEGLAB toolbox. Click here to see details of the existing solutions to read Neuroscan CNT data file.
loadeeg.m : to load Neuroscan EEG file (optimized for speed)loadavg.m : to load Neuroscan AVG files
loaddat.m : to load Neuroscan DAT text files
ldcnt.m: to load Neuroscan CNT files (by Andrew James, with additions by myself)
Free software overview for EEG/ERP under Matlab
Here is an incomplete review of EEG tools (most of them free). I placed a special focus on Matlab which is quite convenient to process EEG data.
MATLAB EEGLAB Toolbox for Electrophysiological Data Analysis
Our toolbox for ICA and spectral analysis for EEG under Matlab. Allow scripting and most know spectral and single-trial operations.FastICA code for MatlabICA decomposition. An alternative to the runica() function in the EEGLAB toolbox (based on a different ICA algorithm). Intuitive description of ICA. Not dedicated to EEG.ERPA visualizing tool under LinuxTool to visualize ERPs under Linux. Convenient to determine the latencies and amplitude of ERP peaks. However, except for this functionality, the software has few capacities and it is not free (I have not tested the latest version though).Magnetic/Electric Source Analysis, User InterfaceI did not tested it. It runs on all platforms.Stan - software for EEG/ERP processingSome C-programs and Neuroscan processing functions under Linux/Windows (average, artifacts, events...). Under Windows, a primitive graphic interface is also available (I did not test it).BrainstormEEG (MEG) Source localization using Matlab. Can map dipole locations onto MRI data. Can not yet use the scructural MRI properties for modeling though. Also, there is not scripting language.Alois' Matlab pageDetailed Matlab page for EEG (not ERP) file format. Also on this page, the Adaptive Autoregressive Modeling Matlab toolbox for online processing of EEG (I did not tested it though).EEG Toolbox
Tools for looking at ERPs (some functions of EEGLAB for reading data are also included). The function for determining the latency of ERP peaks is worth trying. The error handling is horrible though: the toolbox keeps on generating strange errors and you don't really know why.
Matlab and EEGReview of the tools available to process EEG data with Matlab.Mathtools
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