POP_SELECTEVENT Find events in a EEG dataset. If the dataset is the only input, a window pops up to ask for the relevant parameter values.

Usage: >> [EEGOUT,event_indices] = pop_selectevent( EEG, 'key1', value1, 'key2', value2, ... );

EEG dataset

Optional inputs:
[type_range] event type(s) to include Ex: 'type',3 or [2 3 5] or 1:10
[type_range], type(s) of events to exclude
[latency_range] latency range of the events to include Ex: 'latency','400 < 700' Include all events with latnecy in the range [400,700]
[latency_range] latency range of the events to exclude
[events_range], indices of the events to include
[events_range], indices of the events to exclude
[VAR_range], 'USER_VAR' is any user-defined field in the event structure. Includes events with values of field 'USER_VAR' in the specified range. Use [vector] format for integers, 'min
[VAR_range], 'USER_VAR' range of events to exclude
['yes'|'no'] 'yes' = Delete ALL epochs that do not include the specified events. {NOTE Default = 'yes'}. This option is relevant only for epoched datasets derived from continuous datasets.

EEG dataset with the selected events only
indexes of the selected events Ex: [EEGTARGETS,target_indices] = getevent(EEG,'type',[1 6 11 16 21]); % Returns ONLY THOSE epochs containing the 5 specified types of target events.

Note: By default, if several optional inputs are given, the function
performs their conjunction (&).

Author: Arnaud Delorme, CNL / Salk Institute, 27 Jan 2002

See also: eeg_eventformat, pop_importevent

See the matlab file pop_selectevent.m (may require other functions)

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