TOPOPLOT Plot a topographic map of an EEG field as a 2-D circular view (looking down at the top of the head) using cointerpolation on a fine cartesian grid.

Usage: >> topoplot(datavector,'eloc_file');
>> topoplot(datavector,'eloc_file', 'Param1','Value1', ...)

vector of values at the corresponding locations.
name of an EEG electrode position file {0 -> 'chan_file'}

Optional Parameters:
any sized colormap
'electrodes' to furthest electrode 'head' to edge of head {default 'head'}
scaling grid size {default 67}
'absmax' +/- the absolute-max 'maxmin' scale to data range [clim1,clim2] user-definined lo/hi
'straight' colormap only 'contour' contour lines only 'both' both colormap and contour lines 'fill' constant color between lines 'blank' just head and electrodes
number of contour lines
'flat','interp' {default = 'flat'}
Color of head cartoon {default black}

Eloc_file format: chan_number degrees radius reject_level amp_gain channel_name
(Angle-0 =Cz-to-Fz; C3-angle =-90; Radius at edge of image = 0.5)
For a sample eloc file: >> topoplot example

Note: 1) topoplot only works when map limits are >= the max and min
interpolated data values.
2) topoplot will ignore any electrode with a position outside
the head (radius > 0.5). To make the head round, >> axis square

Authors: Andy Spydell & Colin Humphries, CNL / Salk Institute, Aug, 1996

See also: timtopo, envtopo

See the matlab file topoplot.m (may require other functions)

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