•Chuang, S-W., Ko, L-W., Lin, Y-P, Huang, R-S., Jung, T-P., Lin, C-T., Co-modulatory Spectral Changes in Independent Brain Processes Are Correlated with Task Performance, NeuroImage, 62: 1469-77, 2012.
•Chi, Y. M., Wang, Y-T, Wang, Y., Jung, T-P, Cauwenberghs, G. Dry and Non-contact EEG Sensors for Mobile Brain-Computer Interfaces, IEEE Trans Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering, 20(2): 228-35, 2012.
•Gramann, K., Gwin, J. T., Ferris, D. P., Oie, K., Jung, T-P., Lin, C-T., Liao, L-D, Makeig, S. Cognition in Action: Imaging Brain/Body Dynamics in Mobile Humans, Reviews in the Neurosciences 22(6), 593-608, 2011.
•Wang, Y-T., Wang, Y., Jung, T-P., A Cell-Phone Based Brain-Computer Interface for Communication in Daily Life, Journal of Neural Engineering, 8(2), 2011. [This article was selected as the journal’s Highlights collection for 2011].
•Lin, C-T, Huang, K-C, Chao, C-F, Chen, J-A, Chiu, T-W, Ko, L-W, Jung, T-P. Tonic and phasic EEG and behavioral changes induced by arousing feedback, NeuroImage, 52: 633–42, 2010.
•Chen Y-C, Duann J-R, Chuang S-W, Lin C-L, Ko, L-W, Jung T-P, Lin, C-T. Spatial and Temporal EEG Dynamics of Motion-sickness, NeuroImage, 49:2862-70, 2010.
•Makeig, S., Gramann, K., Jung, T-P., Sejnowski, T.J., Poizner, H. Linking Brain, Mind and Behavior, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 73: 95-100, 2009.
•Ko, L-W., Tsai, I-L., Yang, F-S., Chung, J-F., Lu, S-W., Jung, T-P., and Lin, C-T., "Real-Time Embedded EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, 1038-45, 2009.
•Huang, R-S., Jung, T-P., Makeig, S. "Tonic Changes in EEG Power Spectra during Simulated Driving," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Foundations of Augmented Cognition. Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience, 394-403, 2009.
•Jung, T-P. and Makeig, S. "Techniques of EEG Recording and Preprocessing: Independent Component Analysis of Electroencephalographic Data," In: Quantitative EEG Analysis Methods and the Applications (S. Tong & N. Thakor ed.), 39-49, 2009.
•Pal, N.R., Chuang, C-Y., Ko, L-W, Chao, C-F., Jung, T-P., Liang, S-F., Lin, C-T., "EEG-based Subject- and Session-independent Drowsiness Detection: An Unsupervised Approach," EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 2008.
•Lin, C-T., Ko, L-W, Chiou, J-C, Duann, J-R., Chiu, T-W., Huang, R-S., Liang, S-F, Jung, T-P., A noninvasive prosthetic platform using mobile & wireless EEG, Proceedings of the IEEE, 96(7):1167-83, 2008.
•Huang, R-S, Jung, T-P., Delorme A, Makeig, S. Tonic and phasic electroencephalographic dynamics during continuous compensatory tracking , NeuroImaging, 39:1896-1909, 2008.
•Lin, C-T., Ko, L-W., Chung, I-F., Huang, T-Y., Chen, Y-C., Jung, T-P., and Liang, S-F, Adaptive EEG-based Alertness Estimation System by Using ICA-based Fuzzy Neural Networks,, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 53(11): 2469-76, 2006.
•Lin, C-T., Wu, R-C, Liang, S-F, and Huang, T-Y. Chao, W-H. Chen, Y-J., Jung, T-P., EEG-based Drowsiness Estimation for Safety Driving Using Independent Component Analysis,, IEEE Transactions on Circuit and System, 52(12):2726-38, 2005.
•Lin, C-T., Wu, R-C, Jung, T-P., Liang, S-F, and Huang, T-Y. Estimating Driving Performance Based on EEG Spectrum Analysis , EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 19: 3165-74, 2005.
•Liang, S.F., Lin, C-T, Wu, R.C, Chen, Y-C, Huang, T.Y. and Jung, T-P, Monitoring Driver's Alertness based on the Driving Performance Estimation and the EEG Power Spectrum , Proc of the 27th Int'l Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, 2005.
•Huang, R-S. Jung, T-P and Makeig, S. Analyzing Event-Related Brain Dynamics in Continuous Compensatory Tracking Tasks , Proc of the 27th Int'l Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, 2005.
•Makeig S, Jung T-P, and Sejnowski TJ, " Awareness during drowsiness: Dynamics and electrophysiological correlates", Can J Exp Psychol., 54(4): 266-73, 2000.
•Makeig S, Enghoff S, Jung T-P, and Sejnowski TJ, "A Natural Basis for Efficient Brain-Actuated Control", IEEE Trans Rehab Eng, 8:208-11. 2000.
•Jung, T-P, Makeig, S, Stensmo, M, and Sejnowski, TJ, "Estimating alertness from the EEG power spectrum," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 44(1), 60-69, 1997.
•Makeig, S and Jung, T-P, "Tonic, phasic and transient EEG correlates of auditory awareness in drowsiness," Cogn Brain Res 4, 15-25, 1996.
•Makeig, S, Jung, T-P, and Sejnowski, TJ, "Using feedforward neural network to monitor alertness from changes in EEG correlation and coherence," Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, 931-937, 1996.