Fig. 5

Fig. 5....

Figure 5 Bootstrap analysis of variability in ICA decompositions from single subjects and subject subgroups. Plot shows rank-ordered correlation coefficients between the time course in all 25 conditions of component N1aR (from the grand average decomposition) and (thin traces) the time course of the most highly-correlated independent component derived from separate training on each of the 20 subjects' data, or (thick lines) on averages of data from 200 randomly-selected subgroups of 4 subjects. The top two traces show correlations between ERPs in the time range -100 msec to 400 msec. As a control, data from a later portion of the same response epochs (400 msec to 900 msec post-stimulus onset) were used to derive ICA components, and the resulting component projections were correlated with the same grand-mean N1aR projection (lower traces) Note that nearly all the control correlations fall below the dashed lines that give the p=0.05 confidence levels in the single-subject and subject subgroup control data results.

