[Eeglablist] EEG source of periodic discharges

Jung, Ki-Young kyjung at smc.samsung.co.kr
Mon Aug 8 20:56:15 PDT 2005

Dear collegues

I am studying source localization of some periodic discharges (PEDs) of
As you know, Creudtz-Feldt Jakob disease (CJD) shows very characteristic
periodic discharges, 
which is nearly diagnostic when it comes with characteristic clinical
I am wondering where these discharges are originated in the brain ? 
I did source localization after decomposition of PEDs using ICA.

I was suprised at the results.
The location of the sources were subcortical structures in addition to
the cortex, 
which is very consistent across the patients (about 10 patients). 
Specifically, caudate nu, thalamus and midbrain were involved to
generate PEDs. 
And subcortical whitematter were the location of the source too.

Traditionally as we know, EEG is generated from the cerebral cortices
subcortical structures play role for modulation of cortical rhythms.

How do you think about this ?
I should be grateful if you would answer for me.

Best regards,

Jung, Ki-Young, M.D.

Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center,
Sungkyungkwan University School of Medicine
50 Ilwon-dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea 135-710

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