[Eeglablist] ERP statistics and scalp maps of difference waves

arno arno at salk.edu
Fri Nov 17 15:50:27 PST 2006

Dear Doerte,

EEGLAB is not really an ERP software. There are no tools for peak 
latency and amplitude estimation (except for zooming on the graph). The 
function eeg_amplitudearea() programmed by Tom Campbell computes the 
area under the ERP.

The function gui_erp_plot() in the EEG toolbox 
http://eeg.sourceforge.net/ is able to perform automatic peak detection. 
We have designed a small function to allow to use this functionality of 
the EEG toolbox. Install the EEG toolbox (good luck if you are under 
Windows as you have to install the CVS software etc...), then from the 
command line, type


We will distribute a plugin with the next version of EEGLAB.
For statistics, you should probably use a statistic software (or the 
Matlab statistics toolbox).



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