[Eeglablist] Unequal group size and STUDY use

arno delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Sun Nov 30 23:08:59 PST 2008

Yes, from the command line you may also use the EEGLAB statcond()  
function. To assess statistical difference between two sets of equal  
or unequal sizes, you must construct two vectors and give them as  
input to the statcond() function. The help message of this function  
gives more detail about the calling procedure.

Best regards,


On 1 déc. 08, at 09:55, Bradley Voytek wrote:

> The easiest work-around is to just do stats in matlab. Most people do
> t-tests, but if you want to be safe and if you have the statistics
> toolbox, use the ranksum command in matlab to perform the Mann-Whitney
> U test, which is a non-parametric t-test.
> Create two vectors, one for each group, where each element in the
> vector is the mean amplitude (or the sum of amplitudes) of a time
> window for each trial, for each subject.  Use these two vectors as
> your input for your ttest2 or ranksum analyses.
> It's pretty easy.
> If you want to do bootstrapping statistics for each time point like
> EEGLAB does, it'll take a little more work for unequal groups, but
> it's possible.
> ::bradley voytek

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