[Eeglablist] does electrode order have to be same across SS at study level?

James Desjardins jdesjardins at brocku.ca
Wed Apr 13 13:30:42 PDT 2011

Hi Agatha,

My understanding is that if you use the EEGLAB menu Edit > Channel  
locations and you then click "Read Locations" from the pop_chanedit  
GUI EEGLAB will overwrite the channel labels in the EEG.chanlocs  
structure and the sequence of your channel coordinates will match the  
order of the channels in the selected coordinate file (rather than the  
order of the channels in your EEG.data structure).

On the other hand if you instead click on "Look up Locs" from the  
pop_chanedit GUI EEGLAB will try to match the labels in your  
EEG.chanlocs structure to labels in the selected coordinate file.

It seems to me that the "Look up Locs" option is what will work for  
you. Or similarly the 'lookup' optional input to the pop_chanedit  
function at the command line.

I hope this helps.

James Desjardins
Technician, MA Student
Department of Psychology, Behavioural Neuroscience
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab
Brock University
500 Glenridge Ave.
St. Catharines, ON, Canada
L2S 3A1
905-688-5550 x4676

Quoting Agatha Lenartowicz <alenarto at ucla.edu>:

> Hi all.
> Arno/Dev... can you tell me if the order of electrodes (for the same  
>  montage) has to be identical across subjects at the study level? I   
> get the message that *montages are different* but they're actually   
> not - just the order of electrodes differs.
> I have started to dig through the code but if you can advise that'll  
>  be helpful. If the electrode order needs to be the same... is there  
>  a tool out there that can be used to reorganize electrodes (e.g.,   
> alphabetically) If there is no tool - can you tell me whether there   
> are any other fields other than .chaninfo/.chanlocs and obviously   
> .data that need to be corrected?
> Best ~
> Agatha
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Agatha Lenartowicz, Ph.D.
> Post Doctoral Scholar
> Laboratory of M.S. Cohen
> http://www.brainmapping.org/MarkCohen/lab.html
> UCLA Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
> 760 Westwood Plaza, Suite 17-369
> Los Angeles, CA 90095
> http://alenarto.bol.ucla.edu/

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