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Disclaimer: EEGLAB is a toolbox written and released for neuroimaging research purposes only with no guarantee of suitability for any particular purpose. EEGLAB, or data obtained from EEGLAB, should not under any circumstances be used for clinical purposes.

Privacy: SCCN will not distribute email addresses or other information contributed by those who download our software to anyone for any purpose other than personal correspondance or message distribution via user-requested email lists.


EEGLAB Workshop

The 31st EEGLAB Workshop was held from November 29 to December 3 in a virtual conference center on Gather.Town.

NEMAR project

NIMH has funded an EEG portal to the OpenNeuro data archive and tool resource. More...

Quarterly Newsletter

NEW: The EEGLAB News #18 (August 2024)
Read past issues here

New plug-in released

See the list of plugins here.