EEGLAB Newsletter The quarterly EEGLAB newsletter, The EEGLAB News, includes:

  • Important EEGLAB news and new features
  • Brief descriptions of some new EEGLAB plug-in/extensions
  • Personal profiles of EEGLAB developers or users, including how they use EEGLAB in their research
  • Announcements of upcoming EEGLAB-relevant events
  • Brief questions and answers about EEGLAB from the eeglablist
  • Links to some recent papers using EEGLAB functions
  • Pointer to an online tutorial video.

Please email suggestions for future articles to

Click below to read current & past issues:


Fiorenzo Artoni Fiorenzo Artoni
Maître Assistant, Functional Brain Mapping Lab, University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland
  Scott Burwell
National Institute on Drug Abuse T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Minnesota


Scott Burwell

Pierfilippo De Sanctis Pierfilippo De Sanctis
Assistant Professor, Dept of Pediatrics and Neurology and the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology; Project Director, Cognitive Aging & Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  Stefan Debener
Chair, Dept. of Psychology, Head of the Neuropsychology Lab, Univ. of Oldenburg, Germany
  Stefan Debener
Arnaud Delorme
Arnaud Delorme
Project Scientist and Chief Software
Architect of EEGLAB,
SCCN, UC San Diego


James Desjardins
High Performance Computing Consultant, SHARCNET
  James Desjardins
Olaf Dimigen Olaf Dimigen
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,


Benedikt Ehinger
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  Benedikt Ehinger
Daniel Ferris Daniel Ferris
Professor, Depts of Mechanical Engineering, Neurology, University of Florida, Ph.D.

Klaus Gramann
Chair Professor, Founder BeMoBIL,
Technical Univ., Berlin

Klaus Gramann

Tzyy-Ping Jung Tzyy-Ping Jung
Co-Director, Center for Advanced Neurological Engineering, INC, and IEM, and Associate Director, SCCN, INC, both at UC San Diego
Agatha Lenartowicz
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
  Agatha Lenartowicz
Sarah Lippé Sarah Lippé
Professor and Director of Pediatric Neuropsychology,

Sandra Loo
Professor and Director of Pediatric Neuropsychology,
  Sandra Loo
Elizabeth Milne Elizabeth Milne
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Dept of Psychology, The Univ. of Sheffield, UK

Julie Onton
Associate Project Scientist, SCCN,
UC San Diego
  Julie Onton
Cyril Pernet Cyril Pernet
Sr Research Software Developer, Ph.D.
Neurobiology Research Unit, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Caterina Piazza
Post-doctoral Researcher in the Bioengineering Lab at the Applied Technologies Research Area of IRCCS Medea, Italy

Caterina Piazza

Kay Robbins Kay Robbins
Professor Emeritus,
Dept. of Computer Science,
Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
Sidney Segalowitz
Research Director, Cognitive
and Affective Neuroscience Lab
  Sidney Segalowitz
Amanda Studnicki Amanda Studnicki
PhD candidate, Human Neuromechanics Laboratory, University of Florida
Johanna Wagner
Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute for Neural Computation, UC San Diego
  Johanna Wagner
Matthew Wisneiwski Matthew Wisniewski
Assistant Professor, Psychological Sciences, Kansas State University
Ying Choon Wu
Associate Project Scientist, Institute of Neural Computation,
UC San Diego
  Dr. Ying Choon Wu
Drs. Seyed Yahya Shirazi, Maryam Mahmoudi, Talía Román López, Deepa Gupta, and Yu-Shuang Liu EEGLAB 2022 Participants
Drs. Seyed Yahya Shirazi, Maryam Mahmoudi, Talía Román López, Deepa Gupta, and Yu-Shuang Liu

EEGLAB Plug-ins: (See the Plug-ins section in the linked newsletters)