[Eeglablist] Talking about baseline

Laszlo Balazs balazs at cogpsyphy.hu
Wed Aug 8 07:16:01 PDT 2007

Dear timef experts,
I understand that for timefreq analysis one needs a long period before 
the event of interest - the so called baseline. My question is if this 
baseline is meant to be a period with no significant event - similarly 
to the ERP baseline period or could also be a part of the previous 
trial. If the long prestimulus interval is needed for the filtering 
transient to settle then I can use a much shorter - let's call it 
reference period. The question is important to me for we are preparing 
an experiment where ITI can not be increased because of strict time 
constraints. Sorry if this has been covered earlier.
Best regards,

     Laszlo Balazs, Ph.D.          /      dr. Balázs László
Institute for Psychology HAS       /   MTA Pszichol¢giai Kutatóitézet
Budapest, P O B 398, H-1394 Hungary / Tel:+36(1)354-2410  Fax:+36(1)354-2416

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