[Eeglablist] EEG.data struture

Michels Lars Lars.Michels at usz.ch
Wed Oct 3 08:24:16 PDT 2007

Dear all,

I have the following EEG.data structure: EEG.data = [62 510 129] which responds to data = [channel timepoints events]. However, I just need a 2-D array in the form [channel timepoint*events] call it new_data. I was able to create new_data [62 65790]. How is it possible now that eeglab uses this as the new EEG.data structure? If setting new_data=EEG.data, EEG.data is again [62 510 129] 

I hope anybody can assist here

Lars Michels

Lars Michels, PostDoc
Universitätsspital Zürich
CH-8091 Zürich 
Tel +41 44 255 2179
lars.michels at usz.ch

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