[Eeglablist] EEGLAB plug-in for artifact correction

Germán Gómez-Herrero german.gomezherrero at tut.fi
Tue Nov 13 05:38:15 PST 2007

Dear all,
I have just made publicly available an EEGLAB plug-in for automatic
correction of EOG and EMG artifacts that might be of interest for some of
you. Some of the members of the list already tried a previous version (not
public) of the plug-ins and reported several bugs and problems. The current
version has solved all those (reported) problems. I am sure that many
problems remain but I think the current version is stable enough.

The plug-in implements 4 different regression algorithms for correcting EOG
artifacts. However, the most useful part of the plug-in is a simple
automatic procedure for decomposing the EEG in (possibly overlapping)
sliding windows using BSS, detecting (and rejecting) artifactual components
using different criteria and reconstructing the artifact-free EEG. The
plug-in includes several BSS algorithms and 3 different criteria. The user
can easily expand the plug-in by adding new BSS algorithms and rejection
criteria. A brief documentation explaining the basic functionality of the
toolbox is also available. You can get the plug-in and the documentation


I would be very grateful if any of you trying the plug-in would contact me
to report bugs, propose improvements or just complain. 

Best regards,

Germán Gómez-Herrero
M. Sc., Researcher
Tampere University of Technology
P.O. Box 553, FI-33101, Tampere, Finland
Phone:   +358 3 3115 4519
Mobile:  +358 40 5011256
Fax:         +358 3 3115 4989

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