[Eeglablist] Individual epoch power/phase data

Patrick Crutchley pcrutchl at upenn.edu
Mon Dec 17 13:50:29 PST 2007

Hi all,

I'm attempting to do an experiment comparing power in one frequency band 
to the phase in another.  I feel like there must be an easy way to do 
this-- I'm relatively new to EEGLAB, so forgive me if I'm overlooking 
something simple.  The way I have in mind would be to do the wavelet 
time-frequency decomposition with timef(), but to preserve the power and 
phase data for each epoch-- I don't think that what I'm looking for 
shows up after all epochs have been averaged.

Has anyone else attempted or had any luck with what I'm describing?  Is 
there a way to modify timef() to preserve individual epoch data, and 
perhaps output matrices with an additional dimension for individual epochs?


Patrick Crutchley
pcrutchl at upenn.edu

Research Programmer/Analyst
Neuropsychiatry Section
University of Pennsylvania
10 Gates Pavilion, HUP

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