[Eeglablist] Postdoctoral Research Associates

Ding, Lei leiding at ou.edu
Sun Jul 5 20:57:34 PDT 2009

The Computational Imaging Laboratory in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, Norman invites applications for postdoctoral research associate positions. Candidates should hold a PhD or equivalent in biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, physics, or a related field. Experience in EEG/MEG forward/inverse modeling/imaging/mapping, bioelectromagnetic modeling and imaging, image segmentation and reconstruction, or biomedical signal and image processing is desired. Visiting positions for senior candidates may also be available.

The Laboratory has the following ongoing research projects: functional electrophysiological neuroimaging (MEG/EEG), source localization, magnetic resonance image reconstruction, human-computer interaction, and neuroergonomics. The Laboratory has strong collaborations with investigators in various departments at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, and at the United Hospital, Minnesota, Federal Air Administration, and the Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma, among others.

To apply, e-mail CV (pdf file) to Prof. Lei Ding at leiding at ou.edu<mailto:leiding at ou.edu> For further information about the Laboratory, visit http://faculty-staff.ou.edu/D/Lei.Ding-1/index.htm.
The University of Oklahoma, Norman is an equal opportunity employer and educator.

Lei Ding, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bioengineering Center
University of Oklahoma
202 W. Boyd Street, Room 218
Carson Engineering Center
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-1023
Phone: 4053254577
Fax: 4053257066
Email: leiding at ou.edu<mailto:leiding at ou.edu>

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