[Eeglablist] problems with plotting data in eeglab

Danielle Farrar dfarrar at bu.edu
Fri Jul 17 11:41:08 PDT 2009

Hey EEGLab users,
I have a further refinement on my question from yesterday.  When I do the

figure; erp = pop_erpimage(EEG,1, [5],[],strsetname,4,1,{},[],'' ,
'yerplabel', '\muV', 'erp', 'on', 'limits',[NaN NaN -25 25 NaN NaN NaN NaN]
, 'cbar', 'on', 'vert',[170 300] ,'topo', { [5] EEG.chanlocs EEG.chaninfo }

The erp variable now contains a matrix of data with 43 columns.  Since the
dataset contains 46 events, I was wondering what is contained within these
43 columns?  The numbers are close but short a few ...

It seems that if they contain the data for each trial, I could use matlab to
average them and then plot the curve directly using matlab, instead of the
eeglab tools.  My end goal would be to feed this plot to a subplot, and put
many other datasets on the same figure.

Does this make sense?  Does anyone have any experience or suggestions for

Danielle Farrar

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Danielle Farrar
<danielle.farrar at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I'm new to matlab and eeglab, and trying to put together a series of ERP
> plots to look at and compare a series of them.  I am trying to do a couple
> of things
> 1) I would like to be able to extra the single-channel ERP wave (preferably
> the one from the erp image).  I just want the wave and not the color map.  I
> would like to them put a series of these in a subplot, to be able to compare
> them.  I understand how to get the whole image in there, doing something
> like this:
> subplot(5,3,2); erp = pop_erpimage(EEG,1, [5],[],'Kip 062909 Control 1
> Rare',9,1,{},[],'' , 'yerplabel', '\muV', 'erp', 'on', 'limits',[NaN NaN -25
> 25 NaN NaN NaN NaN] , 'cbar', 'off', 'vert',[170 300] );
> However, I would really prefer *just* to insert the erp average wave - I
> have a large series of waves to plot and there isn't enough space to include
> the color image as well.
> Also, I would like to be able to overlay a couple of different
> waves/averages.  For instance, I have four waves -- two representing the
> ERPs from common stimulus, two representing the ERPs from the rare stimulus.
>  I would like to be able to group them into averages, and then put them on
> the same plot.  It seems like the ERP average/compare tool either lets you
> average them *all* or it lets you average them all individually, but I would
> like to be able to combine/overlay two averages.
> Thanks so much for your help in advance.
> Danielle
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