[Eeglablist] How to use Wavelet Baselines in newtimef()?

Edward Rooke Ed.Rooke at bristol.ac.uk
Mon Oct 12 07:15:23 PDT 2009

Dear All,

I am using newtimef() to perform a Morlet time frequency transform.

I would like to apply a baseline to the wavelet transform at the start of
the epoch and just before onset. My understanding of baselining in the
context of wavelets (which is pretty limited) is that a baseline will
remove the effects of neighbouring time points. My motivation behind
applying a baseline at the start of the epoch is to avoid data preceding
the epoch effecting the frequency transform for time points inside the
epoch. And similiarly for applying a base line before the onset; to avoid
data after onset affecting the frequency transform for time points after

Is it possible to apply this baselining with newtimef()?

Is this what the 'baseline' parameter does?
I attempted to use it put it would only accept positive values even though
my epochs start at -200 and finish at 1000.

I am quite new to wavelet transforms so would appreciate any guidance.




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