[Eeglablist] BrainVision files

Michels Lars Lars.Michels at kispi.uzh.ch
Wed Oct 28 08:34:31 PDT 2009

Dear EEGlab members,


I am currently performing a MR gradient correction for simultaneously recorded EEG-fMRI data in EEGlab.


In principle it works, however, it works only for files with a sampling rate well below 5000 Hz. Otherwise I get an error message: Out of memory. I thought the correction will work best for files with the (original) sampling rate of 5000 Hz. Is there any way to import the large raw file to EEGlab (file size is about 600 MB)?


Second question: There is an option to export the file to BrainVision in EEGlab. Does anybody now whether the (exported) file can be read/imported in BrainAnalyzer?





Dr. phil. Lars Michels
Postdoctoral Fellow
Steinwiesstrasse 75 
8032 Zürich 
Tel.  0041 44 266 78 28
Fax  0041 44 266 71 53 






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