[Eeglablist] channel location file

Gerd Waldhauser Gerd.Waldhauser at psychology.lu.se
Tue Jul 13 02:24:18 PDT 2010

Hi Michael,

I guess you can always export your channel locations after opening your continuous or epoched file in Neuroscan (Edit > Channel Layout > Export positions). EEGLAB is able to read this file. However, this only works if you have defined your positions in Neuroscan before. To do this without a file you may want to try out, for example, the electrode location detection according to the 10-20 system in the Channel Layout interface in Neuroscan before exporting. However, you will have to check that it gets the locations right. No definite answer, but hope this helps a bit.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Michael Schubert [mailto:mschuber at mail.upb.de] 
Skickat: den 8 juli 2010 10:28
Till: eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
Ämne: [Eeglablist] channel location file

Dear all,

are there any channel location files for the Neuroscan QuickCap40 (40 
channels) available? On the Neuroscan ftp I only found "dave.zip" which 
contains 32 and 64 channels + I get an error when I read those in, anyway.

And a second question:
I'm playing around with ICA to reject ocular artifacts from continuous 
data. Up to now I could find only few papers about the validity of 
ICA-corrected data. I'm asking myself that question because very often I 
get components representing the ocular artifacts, but they also seem to 
contain eeg-information, especially when I use the fastica algorithm. 
This results in quiet different looking signals in sections where no 
artifacts occur - mainly in frontal channels of course.

Any help is highly appreciated.



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