[Eeglablist] Defining lo/hi limits for topoplots

Stephen Politzer-Ahles politzerahless at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 21:38:26 PST 2011

Hello everyone,

I am a new EEGLAB user and am trying to make topoplots of multiple effects
and time windows to compare within the same figure; I would like to set the
same min/max scale values for all the topoplots. I have tried using input
like ('maplimits',[-3 3]) within the call to topoplot(), but while that
creates topoplots that seem to have the right scale (e.g. -3uv to 3uv), the
plots themselves are just one plain color (that is to say, the whole plot is
0) even though there should be visible effects. Could anyone show me an
example of how to define the maplimits in the topoplot() function? Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the code I am trying to run:


[signal, variance, chan_names, pnts, rate, xmin, xmax] =
locations = readlocs('32chan_new.loc' );
range = mean(signal(:,350:500 ),2);
2]); title('150-300 ms')
range = mean(signal(:,500:700 ),2);
2]); title('300-500 ms')
range = mean(signal(:,800:1100 ),2);
2]); title('600-900 ms')

[signal, variance, chan_names, pnts, rate, xmin, xmax] =
locations = readlocs('32chan_new.loc' );
range = mean(signal(:,350:500 ),2);
2]); title('150-300 ms')
range = mean(signal(:,500:700 ),2);
2]); title('300-500 ms')
range = mean(signal(:,800:1100 ),2);
2]); title('600-900 ms')

Thank you,
Steve Politzer-Ahles

Stephen Politzer-Ahles
University of Kansas
Linguistics Department
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