[Eeglablist] A question about rejecting extreme values

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 21:29:03 PST 2011

Perhaps this will help...
If you are using epoched data, you can go to tools, reject data epochs,
and a gui will pop up with several artifact rejection methods, included
extreme values.
Rejecting artifacts in epoched data at
You can cut the data into short contiguous data epochs using the reg_epoch
See http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/allfunctions/eeg_regepochs.html

You can also follow some of the suggested steps in the eeglab tutorial,
including manual removal of gross artifacts,
ICA decomposition, and removal or isolation of artifactual components.

There are also two addons that might be of use, the ADJUST and the FASTER
plugins, you can
find out about them on the EEGLAB plugin page or via google.

2011/3/10 lichunyue <li_chun_yue at 126.com>

>  Hi everyone,
> I want to reject artifacts by "rejecting extreme values",and when i input
> "pop_eegthresh( EEG,1);" in command window of matlab,the window pops up:
> I write parameters as follow:
>  then,there are errors on the command window.
>  I do not know how to solve this question.
> thank you!
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