[Eeglablist] rejecting/interpolating bad channels?

Arnaud Delorme arno at ucsd.edu
Thu May 12 21:32:46 PDT 2011

Dear all,

these days, I personally prefer to use the pop_rejchanspec function (from the command line only) that is based on spectrum in given frequency bands (several bands may be used). I would call for instance.

[EEG indelec] = pop_rejchanspec( EEG, 'freqlims', [0 10; 35 128], 'stdthresh', [-15 15; -10 10]);

This will remove data channels which have a spectral power between 0 and 10 Hz that is more than 15 standard deviation compared to other channels and channels which have a spectral power between 35 and 128 Hz that is more than 10 standard deviation compared to other channels.


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