[Eeglablist] simple spectral example foe continuous EEG? maybe a bit OT.

Andrew Hill andrewhill at ucla.edu
Wed Jun 15 15:47:19 PDT 2011

Hi folks,

Is there any simple way to calculate the average spectral amplitudes for each channel in an EEG set, using continuous files?

I see several functions in EEGLab and ERPLab that appear to calculate this, but I'm not sure how to get this info "out" .. e.g. my matlab experience is a bit lacking in terms of manipulating channels directly versus the GUI
does anyone have an example of how to simply measure (FFT?) specified freq ranges?  

I've got hundreds of files to process this way, ideally creating a text file for each one, so if there is a more automated way to do this that someone can suggest I'd appreciate it :)


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