[Eeglablist] plotting and calculating stats on study difference waves

Hamish INNES-BROWN HINNES-BROWN at bionicsinstitute.org
Sun Jun 19 18:13:51 PDT 2011

Sorry for re-posting but I realised the last time I posted this in HTML format and it got scrubbed..

Hello again, I have recently been working with two STUDYs (12 subjects, two conditions in each study) in which I have calculated some new data for each participant and condition (MGFP), as well as calculated a difference ERP and difference MGFP between the two conditions.  

So I have: 
STUDY1 - cond1 & cond2, calculated DIFF1
STUDY2 - cond3 & cond4, calculated DIFF2

My general approach has been 
1.	Load STUDY 1 and calculate the ERP for each condition (I have actually done this by looping through an EEG(x).erp variable I inserted earlier, though I now realise I could have got the same info more easily from STUDY.changrp.erpdata)
2.	Do the subtraction DIFF1 = ERPcond2 - ERPcond1
3.	Load STUDY 2 and do the same

I'm then left with DIFF1 and DIFF2 (each 60 elecs x 500 pts x 12 ss)

What I'd like to do is use the std_erpplot function to plot, compare and do the stats on these two new waves, but I don't have the a whole new 'STUDY' structure to go with them. Looking at the the help for std_erpplot it looks like you do need a STUDY as an input.

I then had a look through std_erpplot.m to see if I could find an internal plotting function that could work with a [elecs, points, ss] matrix,  and I found std_plotcurve. Am I heading in the right direction?

Hamish Innes-Brown
Research Assistant
The Bionics Institute of Australia
t: +61 3 9667 7529
f: +61 3 9667 7518
e: hinnes-brown at bionicsinstitute.org
w: http://www.bionicsinstitute.org/profiles/HamishInnes-Brown.html
w2: http://musicalbionics.wordpress.com/

2nd International Medical Bionics Conference, Phillip Island, 20-23 Nov 2011

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