[Eeglablist] Run ICA on continuous data or epoch data

Fengji Geng kittymoonfly at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 09:45:13 PDT 2011

Hi folks,
I have two questions about ICA. I would appreciate very much if anybody can
help me with these two questions.

I use 128-channel NetStation to record data. My data is about 16 minutes
long. My experiment is like several pictures present regularly and the
interval between pictures is always 2 s. Before running ICA, I first extract
epochs from continuous data. The time range for each epoch is from -1 s to
2.5 s. As the interval between picture is only 2 s, the neighbour epochs
have overlaps. Thus, my question is if this overlap could impair the ICA.

ICA can be run on both continuous data and epoch data. Another question I
have is if I only want to run ICA to detect artifact, is it better to run
ICA on continuous data or epoch data?

Thanks a lot!

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