[Eeglablist] filters, ICA and erp

Javier Lopez-Calderon javlopez at uc.cl
Thu Oct 13 14:59:19 PDT 2011

If this would be true then this would certainly be a good way to remove alpha activity from bored subjects' EEG, for instance. We'd just need to band-pass filter the data between 8-12 Hz, run ICA, and do the trick with the unfiltered data...

There should be something wrong with this rationale...right?


> BTW, someone else suggested using the 1-Hz high-pass cutoff, performing ICA, and then applying the component coefficients to the unfiltered data.  That sounds like a great suggestion, although I don't know if there is a technical reason why it wouldn't work.  Does anyone out there know if there would be a problem with this?
> Steve

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