[Eeglablist] Log Transformed Power Values

Scott Makeig smakeig at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 13:45:29 PDT 2011

Marco - The assumption here is the the operant processes modulating
spectral power are basically multiplicative rather than additive. In
addition, the log (dB) scaling makes the values more two-sided (and nearer
to gaussian -- Scott Makeig

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Marco Montalto <montaltomarco at onvol.net>wrote:

> Does anyone know what the assumption is for having the power values in
> power spectra obtained through STUDY design by default log transformed?
> Marco Montalto
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Scott Makeig, Research Scientist and Director, Swartz Center for
Computational Neuroscience, Institute for Neural Computation; Prof. of
Neurosciences (Adj.), University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA
92093-0559, http://sccn.ucsd.edu/~scott
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