[Eeglablist] 来自"李雅" <liya0216 at mail.ustc.edu.cn>的邮件

Stephen Politzer-Ahles politzerahless at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 12:01:07 PST 2012

Hi Li Ya,

As for interpolating: after loading your data, in the MATLAB command window
you can type
EEG=eeg_interp(EEG,[channelnumber]); .
"channelnumber" should be replaced with the number of the channel you wish
to replace (you can also do multiple channels, for instance
eeg_interp(EEG,[5 7 19]) ). I have always done this from the MATLAB command
window rather than using the buttons in the user interface, but I assume it
probably works the same way.

I don't know about dealing with fMRI data in EEGLAB so hopefully another
user on the list can answer that question for you.

As for exporting the ERP data, once you have finished your preprocessing
and epoching you can get each subject's data from "EEG.data" once that
subject is loaded. EEG.data is a three-dimensional matrix (channels x
samples x epochs, so for example if you recorded with a 32-channel cap for
1200 samples per epoch and had 30 epochs in a condition, EEG.data will be a
32x1200x30 matrix). MATLAB has various tools for printing that data to
text, Excel, or some other formats. If you're interested in ERPs rather
than each epoch, then the code
will give you the ERP (the data averaged across trials), which will be
smaller and easier to work with. With some basic MATLAB scripting you can
repeat this procedure for all subjects and conditions.

Steve Politzer-Ahles

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:32 PM, 李雅 <liya0216 at mail.ustc.edu.cn> wrote:

> Dear list:
>      I am a new learner to use EEGLAB,so I need your help for solving
> several questions.
>   1. if one electrode of my data is bad,how can I use 'interpolate
> electrodes' to fill it?  [Tools>interpolate electrodes]
>   2.My EEG data was gotten simultaneously with fMRI data,how should I set
> parameters when I have open the 'pop_fmrib_faster()' ,especially 'Non-EEG
> Channels'   [Tools>FMRIB tools>FASTR:remvove FMRI gradient artifacts]
>   3.Is there a easy way to export ERP data to ASCⅡ so that I can process
> it in other software?
>  Any help will be appreciated!
>  Best wishes!
>                           Sincerely yours:liya
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Stephen Politzer-Ahles
University of Kansas
Linguistics Department
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