[Eeglablist] Hello EEG experts

Anatoly Romanov anatoly_62 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 14 10:08:30 PDT 2012

I have downloaded EEGLAB because I want to do some EEG testing.. I've just purchased a research edition headset from Emotiv, has anyone ever heard of this unit? I heard it was pretty decent, the best for its price so I got it. Now I'm looking to do some EEG testing in read time however I'm a bit confused with EEGLAB.. Does one need to have C sharp or C++ knowledge in order to work with EEGLAB? I've studied a bit of C++ years ago but this program seems like its designed for coders. 
Am I right or am I wrong? Also what are the advantages working with this software as apposed to other types of software out there?


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